Volume 1, Issue 4-5 / March-April 2009
Author: KANERE
“At the Gate of My House”
Volume 1, Issue 4-5 / March-April 2009
“In the refugee camps I visited in Tanzania and Kenya, refugees interviewed strongly felt that their rights and freedoms were not being fully upheld by UNHCR. Refugees organizing themselves into associations or free press often face hostility far greater from UNHCR staff than sometimes government organs.”
-Zachary Lomo, “Essay on Refugee Human Rights”
“We demand for justice and democratic governance, as decisions are only made half-way since the refugees are not involved in the policy and laws that govern refugees in Kakuma.”
-Refugee community leader / “Democracy and Refugee Participation in Decision-Making”
“Everyone talks about rights or human rights, but there is nothing like rights I got in Kakuma.”
-Ethiopian rejected asylum seeker / “Refugee Status Determination: Facing Rejection”
“Can WFP change this MixMe into locally produced food rather than bringing externally produced chemicals that are harmful to refugees, who are used as laboratory animals for someone’s university research?”
-Anonymous refugee / “Community Talking Point: Mix Me”
“UNHCR without refugees is like a mirror without eyes—impossible. But refugees without UNHCR is possible, if they are given freedom. Refugees have potential to do things. But it’s not tested. If refugees are not given a chance and freedom, they cannot know their capacity and the value of life.”
-Ethiopian refugee / “Refugee Life at An Angle”
“Life is a circular motion, which rotates on its own axis with every individual. Through it, there’s happiness, sadness, love, peace, conflict, and many good and bad fortunes. One can have one day of life and die, others may have hundreds of years of age, but still they make a full circle. The difference is only the size of the radius.”
-Ugandan refugee / “Refugee Life at An Angle”
Letter from the Editor
Volume 1, Issue 4-5 / March-April 2009
To all KANERE readers, here and abroad:
We apologize that our last issue was not published due to a month-long internet blackout at the refugee camp cybercafé. Fortunately, the cybercafé was just restored and we are now re-connecting with the rest of Earth. Hello again!
Throughout March, life in Kakuma was getting hotter by the day, which may explain an unusual series of impassioned and fiery events. Refugee shelters were burnt to the ground in rage; a stampede erupted at the UNHCR head count; a UNHCR official fled field post amid a hail of stones; and several assaults and a shocking murder occurred.
Nonetheless, life went on and April brought a smattering of rains. We persisted in our journalism despite our disconnection—taking note of our histories and remarking on our happenings. Amid the perennial uncertainties of refugee life, we continue to ask the questions that need to be asked.
So enjoy this rather bulky double issue, and keep up the lively stream of comments.
“Do all the people who work with and amongst refugees and asylum seekers believe in their rights, and particularly the right to a free press?”
-Dr. Ekuru Aukot / “Who believes in the rights of Immigrants? Do refugees in Kenya have the right to free press?”
“My heart is full of sorrow. I feel so sad to see how long it takes to be accepted as a refugee while suffering in the camp.”
-A Congolese asylum seeker / “Refugee Status Determination: Justice Delayed is…Typical?”
“This is a frightening situation, if not a disaster.”
-A caseworker on the case of a suicidal single mother / “UNHCR Field Posts Aim to Protect Refugees”
“The UNHCR knows us not by name, but by number.”
-An Ethiopian refugee who has tired of being repeatedly counted / “Refugee Headcount Begins”
“I believe that the world’s refugee camps could produce the next generation of great artists.”
-Sally Lincoln, American artist visiting Kakuma Refugee Camp / “An Artist’s View of Kakuma Refugee Camp”
Letter from the Editor
Volume 1, Issue 3 / February 2009
To all KANERE readers, here and abroad:
Amid the flurry of reporting this February, we have concentrated on strengthening our professionalism and community presence.
KANERE journalists participated in a three-day training led by the Turkana District Information Officer, Leonard Wekesa Wafula. Lively debate arose as we negotiated the challenges of reporting in a refugee camp. How to determine what is of importance to refugees, locals, and the international community? How to deal with investigative stories in a sensitive climate? We continue to hone our skills in an evolving approach to refugee camp reporting.
We are mobilizing the community to create widespread awareness of KANERE’s objectives and to engage the entire community in a free press. In an introductory meeting with community leaders, there was deep consensus that KANERE fills a critical role that has been ignored far too long, and plans are underway to expand community outreach.
Last, but certainly not least, we are grateful to welcome the legal support of Kituo Cha Sheria, a legal aid clinic based in Nairobi. This month’s editorial contribution from Dr. Ekuru Aukot highlights the ways in which Kituo has already begun to strengthen KANERE’s operations.
Our third issue continues to address the concerns most pressing to refugees and locals, with creative and artistic contributions infused. Enjoy the read, and viva la refugee free press!
Volume 1, Issue 3 / February 2009
By Ekuru Aukot
Dr. Ekuru Aukot of Kituo Cha Sheria writes on the right of refugees to exercise a free press in Kakuma Refugee Camp, and their obligation to uphold the ethics of professional journalism
Volume 1, Issue 3 / February 2009
Asylum seekers awaiting refugee status decisions from UNHCR have lingered in legal limbo for years, with serious consequences for stability and well-being. (Part one of a two-part series on RSD)
Volume 1, Issue 3 / February 2009
When a small Kenyan town becomes host to a huge refugee camp, the cross-cultural influences are many, multidirectional, and far-reaching
Volume 1, Issue 3 / February 2009
Do UNHCR field posts in the refugee camp actually fulfill their role in human rights protection? Refugees are not so sure