Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Volume 1, Issue 4-5 / March-April 2009

To all KANERE readers, here and abroad:

We apologize that our last issue was not published due to a month-long internet blackout at the refugee camp cybercafé. Fortunately, the cybercafé was just restored and we are now re-connecting with the rest of Earth. Hello again!

Throughout March, life in Kakuma was getting hotter by the day, which may explain an unusual series of impassioned and fiery events. Refugee shelters were burnt to the ground in rage; a stampede erupted at the UNHCR head count; a UNHCR official fled field post amid a hail of stones; and several assaults and a shocking murder occurred.

Nonetheless, life went on and April brought a smattering of rains. We persisted in our journalism despite our disconnection—taking note of our histories and remarking on our happenings. Amid the perennial uncertainties of refugee life, we continue to ask the questions that need to be asked.

So enjoy this rather bulky double issue, and keep up the lively stream of comments.
