
In exercising a refugee free press, we speak in respect of human rights and the rule of law in order to create a more open society in refugee camps and to develop a platform for fair public debate on refugee affairs.


9 replies on “Vision”

it is a vital initaitive to develop the skill and the opportunity of the refugee to speak with thier voice beside adressing the issue of thier provide the plat form of enviroment to develop smooth communication ;moreever it gives information aand awareness to the world ast lasrge who needsit.

it is a vital initaitive to develop the skill and the opportunity of the refugee to speak with thier voice beside adressing the issue of thier provide the plat form of enviroment to develop smooth communication ;moreever it gives information aand awareness to the world ast lasrge who needs it.

I am one reefugees who leave in kakuma .dear sir/madam i know the office works alot of things for reefugees .my comment is it is beeter to differenciate who needs a real fast solution because for instance reefugees like me ,have well known and any body can attack because of your back ground at home and the security situation is not safe .i used to give statements through tv and radio .so government alies can attack you.

Dear folks,

Allow me to congradualte you on the wonderful work you have commenced.Its’ a terrific start.I lived temporarly at Kakuma Camp in 2001 .cheers

Oooofff!!!!! It is very comforting!

I became very pleased when I saw the notice about this web. Before, I thought it is impossible or at least very cumbersome for a refugee to have a free press like this whereby one can be up-to-dated with the potential news of the camp and share ideas and comment with his fellow refugees.

Sometimes it feels good to have voice out of the camp, can feel great to have some where to speak out becuase we want to share out views of thoughts and frustrations which seem to overflow refugee’s brain. But with a such press he/she can overlook them and resist even against the arising weight of heat under which we are living.

Congratulations to the first thinkers and appliers of this good project!

what hurts me the most is to see injustice happening in the camp. We as refugees are being petient waitin n hoping 4 a brighter future bt sometimes our dreams get shuttered lyk lost goats in a forest. I STAND AGAINST INJUSTICE.

Two wrong don’t make a right, independent is freedom. None has any right to violet the copyright and trademark laws. Growing in pain is necessary to move forward without resistance, any record stores that purches and sell unauthorized release in their record,serious problem. Thanks for making mankind to share and remember we all return back home,to the almighty… In the mean time, i admire the work that you do!

Peace and love

Health and happiness are human rights. Thank you so much for maintaining this site and providing such great details and insight. I will be visiting Kenya this summer and will be researching more about KANERE and the Kakuma News.

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