About Kakuma Refugee Camp


Source National Geographic


Kakuma Refugee Camp is located in Turkana District of the northwestern region of Kenya, 120 kilometers from Lodwar District Headquarters and 95 kilometers from the Lokichoggio Kenya-Sudan border. (Indicated by a black dot on the map.)

Population Kakuma Refugee Camp serves refugees who have been forcibly displaced from their home countries due to war or persecution. It was established in 1992 to serve Sudanese refugees, and has since expanded to serve refugees from Somalia, Ethiopia, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Uganda, and Rwanda. According to current UNHCR statistics, the camp population stands at just close to 180,000 refugees. In 2007, Kakuma Refugee Camp hosted 21% of the total refugee population in Kenya (UNHCR Fact Sheet, September 2008).

The local Kenyan population is largely comprised of nomadic pastoralists from the Turkana community. According to the 1999 Kenya Census, the population of Kakuma town is 97,114 persons, making it nearly twice as populous as the camp.

Humanitarian Aid and Governance Kakuma Refugee Camp is administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The UNHCR is assisted in its duties by a wide range of organizations, including World Food Program (WFP), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), International Rescue Committee (IRC), Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS), National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), Windle Trust Kenya (WTK), Film Aid International, and Salesians of Don Bosco in Kenya.

The camp falls under the jurisdiction of the Kenyan Government and the Department of Refugee Affairs. Since the adoption of the Kenya Refugee Act in 2007, a CampManager has been appointed to oversee camp affairs and liaison with humanitarian agencies. The Act paves the way for the Kenyan Government to eventually assume full management of Kakuma Refugee Camp.

Environment Life in the semi-arid desert environment of Kakuma is rather challenging. The area has always been full of problems: dust storms, high temperatures, poisonous spiders, snakes, and scorpions, outbreaks of malaria, cholera, and other hardships. The average daytime temperature is 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Economy Due to their legal situation and local environmental conditions, refugees are largely unable to support themselves with income-generating activities. The semi-arid climate of Kakuma is ill-suited to agriculture, while restrictions on employment deter refugee job-seeking. Those who work with NGOs receive a small incentive payment for their work, but incentive staff represent only a fraction of the refugee population. As Arafat Jamal concludes from his evaluation of Kakuma camp, “Anyone confined to a place like Kakuma is rendered automatically dependent on some form of hand-out” (2000, p. 23).

Daily Existence The camp is a “small city” of thatched roof huts, tents, and mud abodes. Living inside the camp is equally prison and exile. Once admitted, refugees do not have freedom to move about the country but are required to obtain Movement Passes from the UNHCR and Kenyan Government. “Essentially, the refugees are confined to the Kakuma camp area: they are not allowed to move freely outside of it, and they may not seek education or employment outside of it” (Jamal 2000, pp. 7-8).  Inside this small city at the edge of the desert, children age into adulthood and hope fades to resignation. To be quite frank, it’s more or less a kind of hostage life for many refugees.

Sources Cited

Jamal, Arafat (2000). Minimum standards and essential needs in a protracted refugee situation: A review of the UNHCR programme in Kakuma, Kenya. UNHCR Evaluation and Policy Unit/2000/05. UNHCR Fact Sheet, September 2008. UNHCR Branch Office Nairobi.


431 replies on “About Kakuma Refugee Camp”

Dear All,
this is a wonderful initiative and the site looks fantastic. I wish you every succes in this venture.
best wishes
Liza Schuster
Department of Sociology
City University
Northampton Square

Being a graduate who is devoted in charity and protection of the most vulnerable groups including refugees, can I be offered a chance to volunteer as part of gaining experience in my area of study?

Kanere, I am very much please to come across the well articulate Article about kakuma refugee camp. I can relate every single thing you have pen down here. I was born in kakuma refugee 1997. My parents are from South Sudan they arrive in the camp few years after it was established in 1992. The life here has not been easy to be sincere, it feel like prison. I haven’t step my foot out the camp or visit South Sudan. When you compare the life now and before I prefer the life of previous years, where everyone was equally protect and respected but now although the camp has expand there is limit access to information. No hope for future. It is so sad that despite willing to hustle and make end meet there is no hope. My dream is to mentor the young generation to think beyond the camp and enjoy the privilege that are around such as the countess number of scholarship that are around. I am glad that the host community and the refugees have found their way to embrace themselves and work hand in hand to achieve their goals together. What is sad is the alarming rate of street children. I am willing to start street teaching initiative to provide them with basic education like the rest because their deserve to study like the rest.

Thanks Alot you are doing the worth job the film aid couldn’t cover. the film aid of our childhood was doing great but now there is no achievement for them

Hello Bior Deng, Thanks for reading our articles, and we appreciate your feedback. Thanks also for sharing your story! If you’re interested or in a process of establishing something on street children, we’d encourage you to go ahead. We can be contacted at (kakuma.news at gmail.com), best.

Hi Kanere, I have a CBO called Atodukun and the information on your website has really helped me. Very accessible, most useful that what other organizations provide and for free. Thank you!!

It is difficult to provide a comprehensive response to this excellent query. Generally speaking, Kenyans living in other areas of Kenya a) have never heard of Kakuma Camp; b) have heard of it but assume it is located in Sudan; or c) know the camp as the “place for lots of refugees.” Those who are well aware of the situation consider Kakuma to be a difficult place to live, for both refugees and locals. Some Kenyans view refugee camps as a danger to national security. Others view camps as worthy humanitarian endeavors. Interestingly, many NGO and UNHCR staff working in Kakuma Refugee Camp look upon Kakuma as an extreme hardship zone and eagerly await placement to new (urban) job locations. This despite their lavish living conditions as compared to refugees.

Very informative and sincere response. It truly represents what Kenyans know and think of Kakuma Camps; and I harbor as well, the same views about Kakuma. Even though I’ve seen, and heard of it in the news, I have no idea how dire or what the situation is like over there. How can people live there without no employment right KANERE?

I’m by name Mabior Achuil Achuil living in kakuma refugees camp since 2015 till now, I living here alone without parents , and the camp too hot and life is also complicated as well as impossible which makes me feel unwell. No good quality education, no job and I am vulnerable. I don’t have parents. And I help for resettlement.

Excerpt from “Cleats of many nations now tread Georgia [U.S.] clay” on The Global Game: “Some say, simply, that they come from Africa. Abdirahmam Osman, 10, was born in Somalia, yet many of his memories originate in Kakuma Refugee Camp in northwestern Kenya…The Kakuma Camp’s own blog includes cartoons and interviews about refugee life and describes the institutions that emerge in confinement. ‘Living inside the camp is equally prison and exile,’ say the blog’s editors. ‘Inside this small city at the edge of the desert, children age into adulthood and hope fades to resignation. To be quite frank, it’s more or less a kind of hostage life for many refugees.'”

Yeah do agree,that you have explained the exact immage of kakuma camp, sometimes I doubted whether kakuma camp is located in planet Earth? Better to call it kakuma slave society camp. Please read my posts on UNHCR Kenya fb page.

YeahI do agree,that you have explained the exact immage of kakuma camp, sometimes I doubted whether kakuma camp is located in planet Earth? Better to call it kakuma slave society camp. I am a so_called asylum seeker since 2012 and persecuted by Kenya government and UNHCR Kenya with non stop chemical attak for unknown reason. Please read my posts on UNHCR Kenya fb page.

My name is Vincent Alvaro, I am an MD in Hartford CT. Tonight as I was on duty in the ED at Hartford Hospital, I was asked to see a woman at the triage desk who was in tears. She said that her niece is in a Refuge camp in Kenya and was diagnosed with Malaria. she has no meds and no way to get back to a hospital. I don’t know any more details about her illness

She is in refugee camp KAKUMA 1 or 3. Her ID # is 14369.
Her name is either Siffora or Daniat.

Dr. Alvaro, Thank you for your notification. I’m copying this comment to UNHCR Protection Unit and Lutheran World Federation to see whether they can assist immediately. We’ll also notify LWF caseworkers and see whether they can assist her.

I’m Jacob Juach Bul, Gilo Pre- primary school is where I started my earl childhood education. I was a pupil there back in the days, 1998, 1999 2000. I am a refugee boy, and I grew up here in this camp. Do we have any better life? Even 31 years after Kakuma open? Respect Newspaper journalists!!


I am working as HR manager in an international independent organization who strives to solve global education crisis and provides educational programmes as well as Child protection and safeguarding support to minors, we operate a school in Nairobi , the first world international school for refugees providing IB curriculum to vulnerable minors, completely free of charge. We are preparing the selection for the next academic year and we intend to conduct visits to Kakuma refugee camp. Would it be possible to speak with you formally on a meeting and discuss ways to collaborate in detail?

Many thanks and looking forward to meeting you,
Kind regards

Dear Francesca,

Thank you for contacting KANERE. It’s really amazing to learn about your initiative on global education crisis in safeguarding supportive mechanism for refugee minors. We can be contacted at (kakuma.news@gmail.com) / DM via X @KanereNews.
We welcome your initiative, gracias.

Hello, my name is Joylina Gonzalez. I currently have a client that is facing the death penalty and is a “Lost Boy” We are trying to find out if there is someone in the camp who can help us look for potential family members or find a way to go to the camp. I have no idea how to even look into getting authorization to visit the camp.

Thank you

Thank you for contacting us. Regarding family tracing, I advise that you contact UNHCR Protection Unit in Kakuma. The UNHCR lawyers charged with refugee protection should be happy to assist you. (I am forwarding your comment to the concerned officers now.) Regarding a visit to Kakuma Camp, the Kenyan Government regularly approves visitors’ requests to travel to the camp. Contact the Department of Refugee Affairs in Nairobi, or the Camp Manager in Kakuma Refugee Camp (kakumacampmanager@yahoo.com).

I real have to appreciate the kenyan gvt for all the effort that is layed across, because kakuma as its name is!! for a mojority of lives being kept in it for as long as many years i could imagin how servival of people goes. i have been in kakuma and i do cry i) hot place over 40 degree ii) people have no way of supporting themselves apart from dep[ending under the UNHCR. I suggest for those who leaved many years in the camp should be given alternative to relieve them from the suffering i mean give the refugee a go ahead of how to struggle themselve that is like chancing them (reffuge) for things like third world. otherwise all what i can summerise is to thank the kenyan gvt. i urge the gvt to look into the side of protection too, due to the attacks that comes all the time. despite being com com life. (jungle life style servive that is plusing kids,women, men and older wazee )

My appreciation goes to the un protection office of their effort forward on cases that where long pending.
On the isue of school to the young youth in the kakuma camp and locals should be given chance for schools.
having attacks in the community of refugee of kakuma is all because youth where behind the scene.
but let me brain storm UNHCR, Camp manager and agencies incharge to think forward. i will too write to the media of canada about kakuma camp.

Hello. My name is Petter Gustafsson and I am studying Peace, Conflict and International Relations at a university in Sweden. In our masterprogram we have the possibility to go away one semester for an internship. Now, I wonder if you think it is possibli to come to Kakuma for my intership, and if you know any NGOs who would be interested in an intern?
/ Petter

thank you very much the Kenyan government for the protection you rendered to the non-Kenyans in kakuma refugee camp situated at the northern part of kenya. i was once a refugee before i came here to Sudan and through my eye-witness, i saw some of the basic things the Kenyan Government do. one is the security which was so good although some unconrolable situations were not handled properly, this was just minor.
the camp by its self is not fit for human live but it was made due to the concern of humanity and the protection of the abandoned. thank you UNHCR, thank you Kenya, Asante sana, your government in collaboration with the UNHCR did well to us those who left kenya and those who are still in Kenya. keep on providing the same services to them. i am now working as the SPLM State IT, this is all as a result of acedemic concern and the computer training services offered by the Salesian of Don Bosco in Kakuma. i call this dry area, a home to me and others.

ewak silvio siro

I met my fellow Sudanese in Torit a big town in Eastern Equatoria state who told me how we had spent with him 13 years in Kakuma Refugee Camp. this friend of mine asked if I could go back with him for a visit to the Camp for three or two month which i said I was not ready because i am commited in my job. i would like to know from the protection office in Kakuma if the camp is still good and if the UNHCR is still issuing ration cards to the new comers? this was the question lingering in my head.

this boy had gone back to th camp.

Hello everyone,
My name is Daniet Gebrekidane and I am a student at the university of Alberta here in Edmonton,AB,Canada.I have read lots of books and articles concerning the situation in kakuma Refugee Camp and I would just like to encourage all of you workers,volunteers, and assistants to keep going.I personally know the experience of being a refugee and so I am deeply humbled by your hospitality. Here in Canada, some of the refugee youth that have come from Kakuma Camp are doing extremley well. They are educating themselves and also working hard to support themselves and their fellow people there. I would just like to say May God give you the strength and patience you need because you so deserve it. I am planning on coming there as a volunteer maybe around summer of 2010 and woud welcome any ideas you have on what the fundemental issues of those refugees are. Thank you for your support,and God bless.

Hello Daniet I’m Lang Dol Antony born in Kakuma refugee camp (a South Sudanese) I am really honoured and thankful to you that you acknowledged how refugees are working so hard academically and economically in your country to ensure they have a bright future later when they will returned back to africa.
May God bless and protect my fellow refugees in your country and may God bless you and your country too.


My name is Nadar Ali and I am student at University of Minnesota. I have heard alot of about Kakuma refugee camp. I would like to come there as volunteer for the summer. What should I do? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

I have just read Dave Eggers book “What is the What” and seen the movie “God Grew
Tired of Us”. Some unanswered questions are — why are these Sudanese not allowed
to leave Kakuma ? How can they receive training for jobs which they can use outside
the camp, perhaps back in Sudan ? How were the Lost Boys chosen for immigration
to the U.S. – what were the criteria for who left and who had to remain ? Why are
there so few women – where are they ?
Most importantly – for those still in Kenya, how do we best help them to help
themselves ?
Thanks for providing info which I have not (yet) found elsewhere.

Are there still many Somali Bantu families in Dadaab or have most of them now relocated to Kakuma? What are the percentages of ethnic Somalis and Somali Bantus in the camps in Kenya?

I live in the U.S. (Maine and Boston) and know many Somali and Somali Bantu families who were in a variety of camps, but I was wondering what the demographics of each camp is today. I am studying to be a nurse and hope to come to Kakuma or Dadaab someday to work.

Please add me to your mailing list if you can, I am a big fan of the work you do on this website.


Hello everyone!!

Well, My name’s Qeys aka Dj Kay-z, somalian born musician from Cape Town, South Africa, Studies in Cape College. I’ve never been to KAKUMA refugee camp and I’ve heard that KAKUMA is world largest refugee camp is like a prison, is that true if anyone come out from the camp will be kill by “TURKANA” sniperz is that true??. I like to volunteers in Kakuma and visit one day. Insha-allah.

Dj Kay-z

Hello Qeys aka Dj Kay-Z,
Am sorry you have negative perception of the Kakuma Refugee Camp, its environs and the inhabitants.

May i take this opportunity to inform you that, the Turkana community, mostly referred to as the Host are the most calm, peaceful, friendly and welcoming people one would ever wish to be associated with in this world.
Never be cheated that they kill.

Hallo i am a student of Makerere university awaiting for my graduation in December i did a bachelor in Community psychology.I have learnt alot especially on refugees.I have visited Kakuma before with a church organisation where we did some activities such as building church,distributing food and clothes,counseling.I got alot of interest in working with refugees please is it possible to get a chance as a volunter.Thanks in advance

kindly Kakuma is the blessed home /place for some people to live in ,
but some time God say no to life ,
this is me mr Nyambura Nyombe with his school mate miss YOM Chagi Atem at LATROBE UNIVERSITY AUSTRAILA ,
my dear student in Austraila make life simple and open to people to seen and that is real you and plz never for get the past ,
keep it up ,
with GOD ,

kenya is the best home for some people but to me is like the loan desk registering to know and get the skilled only and that is all may God blessed Kenya BUT no in people mind and God said for those with the eye can see and for those with the ear can hear ,
look and grt get lost with kakuma life ,
make it big man ,

values but not stress in kenya and this is only to very fews people and the social structures is depend on what you seen kindly adopt and indicate whomyou wish to ,
and thannks nyambura nyombe

people need some help! even if is only loving them because they are in hard situations but proffesionals are wasting time doing different things/jobs For instance,I am a community development profesiional form Kenya, working in security field in Qatar for bigger pay say Ksh 60,000 per month. But still my heart is not contented. I dont need this money when my proffesion is not helping my fellow Africans at Kakuma. can somebody help me work with this vulnerable people.

Yes, now I’m still in kakuma for eleven good years. like I see miserable life other refugees go through, with no mercy and yet even here in Kakuma situation is same but I happy that we are blessed with information by Kanere newspaper. Thank you so much.

thanks to the UN and its implementing agencies for the job well done in Kakuma refugee camp for the last 20 and so years. the word of congratulations will remain a blessing to you all.

you have been shaping the mind of the young refugee children to become responsible citizens in their countries when peace is restored in their respective countries. you have also taken our africans young people to go and study overseas, which will give africa a big pride after ripping the the fruits of the young in the near future to come.

thanks you very much.

Hello everyone,im a refugee boy now living in Nairobi but my family is based in kakuma.i study form 4 at Eastleigh high school,and i just wish oneday i will join my friends who r in Australia via UN resettlements programme

Hi there all,
I was a refugee once in Kakuma between 1992-1996 all this years I have lived in Kakuma, I have a mixed memories. the good thing in Kakuma all refugees are mostly help each other, with the different organization in Kakum some time there is not transpancies in this organazations. I have worked with LWF as well as Randa Barnen. Both of they are not to good at all. If there were there to help the Refugees,… they have not been doing thier job on timly maner. people were deying because of hunger I am the leaving witness, a mother died while she brest feed her child. This happened inforont of the office of UNHCR and all this other organizations, we should not let any one die because of hunger at leaset we could do better than that. However it happened and I will never forget that moment me as a refugee…

Am a community health worker,and i respect every refugee since iwe live with some in our home,i thank the UN for their good job,and God Bless them,am in kenya and would like to work or even visit kakuma.

Hello everyone
my name is Ahmed Hassan and I am student at curtin university of technology in australia . I have heard alot of about Kakuma refugee camp but i never been to there i wish wanted to be there once in my life. as i am studing laporatory medice and I would like to come there as volunteer or work there in my all life. What should I do? Any help will be highly appreciated and advice from UN my email is bin_rahman@hotmail.com. Thank you.

does anyone know what the UNHCR postal address in kakuma refugee camp is???? i urgently need them please if someone know or where i can send an application form? my mum is in kakuma and i have not seen her since i was six years old and would like to try and send her a form ave humanitarian process. i’m currently in australia and i hate life as i am alone and only 18yrs old

thanks for your reply. i got the address and will start my process soon. i just hopes its work so i can see my family again. i’m so alone here and i never knew if you have no family the wjole community picks on you and this is what is happening to me here my own people see me as a no one becuase i dnt have family here. i love kakuma i grow up there and i will always remember it and is planing to go back and do some volunteery work and lend a helping hand after mum moves here so i can have less presure in being the main provider for them.

anyway is application process easy in kakuma or niarobi and what happen or where are people move if they are grounded a protection???

life’s hard for mum alone and very unsafe so if she in any case get a protection from australian government while her form is being process does that help in any way???

if anyone works with immagration in kakuma or niarobi can you please send me your phone number or email ave my email as i have alot of questions and help to ask for and how i should go about things etc.

thanks to all people working and droping in on this website, you all rock my world and i’m pround of you all and would love to work with you team voluntery one day.

lots of love from me and misises from me- xxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxx mwah

hi everyone my name is Ahmed Hassan i am citizen in australia and i got one family in kamuma could any one please give me an advise on how i can help and bring my family live with me i would realy be happy even if the staff of kakuma contacts me please its urgent!!!
after all thanks to the UN and its implementing agencies for the job well done in Kakuma refugee camp for thepast years. the word of congratulations will remain a blessing to you all.

any advise highly welcome my email is

My visit to Kakuma opened my eyes not only to the suffring that refugees are subjected to, but more significantly to the resilience of the human spirit. There is something to be learnt from this melting pot of African cultures. No wonder they call it a university.

Hello there, am Lawrence once a refugee in Kakuma, a multinational camp with diversed cultures. A camp where one gets to learn a lot from others. The only things a dislike of the camp are night roberies, huge, black deadly scorpions and dust storms otherwise, it is a good place especially to some of us who were working and earning some thing little in our pockets. Big thanks to my LWF and other agencies like IOM, IRC, WFP etc.

Hello there, am Lawrence, once a refugee in Kakuma, a multinational camp with diversed cultures. This is a camp where one either meets and or lives with different people from the great lakes region and above all international staff. The only things i dislike of the camp are night shootings and robberies, huge black deadly scorpions and dust storms. Some of us who volunteered as staff enjoyed though with some thing little for our pockets. Big thanks to my LWF and other humanitarian agencies like IRC, WFP, IOM etc.

My name is Christopher Boone and I sponsor many Lost Boys of Sudan in Louisville, Kentucky. My 6 year old grandaughter wants to send her stuffed toys to children in Kukuma, where our “boys” came from. We assume there are young children in the Camp. Can someone tell me a name and address to send these toys to? My grandaughter would be most happy to send her toys to a child who has no toys. Thank you and Peace to you.

Am Sudanese by nationality and I dislike some in southern Sudan especially among the dinka notwithstanding being pure dinka,why is girl- child education undermined ,is it because they are marry hence looked at materialistically rather than human being who need education like boys?
The is a need to get out from traditional ideology that girls are only born to marry and bring wealthy to their parents but any old adage states that education girl is educating the world.
In Twic county only 2% of students are girls half of this drop out in the course.
Koch madut Koch
From Wunrook Payam

Hello: I am a writer who visited Kakuma in 1994. A library had just been built there, and I remember that it had very few books at the time. Does anyone know the status of that library now? Is it in need of new books? If so, who would I contact or send them to? If you have a name, e-mail or postal address, I would be quite grateful.

Fast to dreams for without dreams is like bird without wing for it can not fly.
have a rays of hope in ever aspect of life because God is without you and have plan for you.
Suffering is not the end of live and hence fellow Sudanese in diaspora you have great future in Sudan if you are not enemy to pen.Long live Sudanese Long live Africa

hi everyone am in Australia my uncle is in kakuma refugee camp and i wanna sponser him so does anyone advice me how i can send him an application form to fill it up or know what the UNHCR postal address in kakuma refugee camp is??? i urgently need it please if someone know or where i can send an application form?
please contact me on bin_rahman@hotmail.com

hi all ppl should look before they leap man kakuma is ma home and born town a refugee camp is a refugee camp kakuma town and its ppl have nothin to do with whatsoever is goin on in NGOs that r dealin with refugees so any insult or bad language after helping refugees from our beloved neighbouring countries by giving theem a welcome haand we dont actually deserve any abuse we really deserve appreciation anyway am sorry if this comment is offensive am not saying or meaning kakuma is a paradise but for godsake nobody on earth will like his home town abused. chemka london uk..

I am interested in learning more about urban refugees, particularly in Eastleigh. I would apppreciate any info, links etc.
Thanks in advance.

Hello, my name noor,somalian by nationality.i hve been living in kakuma for 7yrs since 2004 .during my presence in kakuma,i joined a technical institution called(DON BOSCO V.T.C) vocatinal training center whereby i learnt mechanic for 4yrs.the school was free to all registered refugees.now am the director of a certain driving school in nairobi.which means am self suficient. Therefore a part frm the higher temprature,it s the only place in kenya with free studies for the refugees.

Hellow ol ,my name s noor k.k and somalian by nationality.I saw KAKUMA,s news reflectors page and how diferent beleaves and ideas provided by diferent people are.KAKUMA s where i was living the last 10years and where millions of diferent africans r united. The side of temprature and insecurity yes it s hot and a small robery and raping cases r sametimes reported and these are said its behind(locals turkanas ). Therefore if u r arefugee person living in kakuma or elsewhere please Let s use ur common sence and take advantage frm thise opportunity.Education, food and shelter are all provided freely by U.N.H.C.R

Hello ladies and gents,my name is jabril ismail fahad am somalian by nationality. Am a new arival who fled from somalia during the heavily batle between alshabab and the transional gvn troops. When i came to kakuma , i explained ol my problems to U.N.H.C.R fortunately i was asked many questions about my background .one of the questions was ‘what were u doing in somalia?” I said that i was a member of alshabab ! I was told to go and wait for my ration we wil issue it soon they added. Am still waiting for it and others were ol provided is it becouse of being alshabab?

Hello mr jabril, 1st sory for the delay of your ration. 2nd to keep your secret inside is very important.when u said u are amember of alshabab ! U were very wrong .be alshabab, but never say to U.N.H.C.R .Even me, am a member of somalipirate and still a registered refugee in kakuma. therefore just change your old name and go to U.N.H.C.R main office and apply your ration card again or just give me your phone namber i wil help u.

I say sorry to refugees in kakuma camp because be a refuge is not good think or happy be to like that, is the difficulties bring people to suffer cause of bad politics and bad leardership in Africa.

Kakuma refuge camp is like transit home but for the strong can survive is not easy only God is the protector

Thank you

i would like to apply for volunteer work at UNHCR in May after finishing my degree program in woodscience(natural rtersources management)

Hello all, my name is Compleo. I was a refugee in Kakuma for 14 good years. First, Kakuma as a place is not conducive for human life because of:
1 severe weather, characterized by windy and dusty condition, extremely hot throughout the year.
2. Insecurity is another issue facing refugees in Kakuma..i remember there were times when i had to stay up the whole night with my relatives just to make sure that we keep our eyes on the bandits. It was really terrible coz we didn’t have any weapons to protect ourselves. All we had to do was to shout at them just to make the bandits think that people were still awake and that really worked. Was it the host community or the police who were supposed to protect the refugees who were terrorizing the refugees? That was unknown, but some culprits were caught, and surprisingly, it turned out that some policemen were involved..
yeah that was life back in the days. i WOULD LOVE TO GO BACK TO kakuma one day, ma parents and friends still live there,,i feel so attached to that place,,,life was really hard there, but it made me who i am today…am now in Canada, pursuing my undergraduate degree in Commerce at the university of calgary…
Before i came here, i did a research on ADULT WOMEN LITERACY IN KAKUMA REFUGEE CAMP…
For those of you who want to do intern there and you feel like you can get some information from me, contact ma at compleomathach@ymail.com.

thank you.

Hello, im a somali woman, who had lived in the Kakuma Refugee camp for 12 years, now i live in Australi the last 4 yrs iam happy here but i can’t 4get my friends and family back in kakauma. As you all have heared or been in kakuma its not the best place to even sleep in even one night coz The Turkanas are not nice peolpe, one night i was shot on my leg 4 men came to my house looking for money. when they seached the and found nthing. they said to me tell us where the money is, i start crying coz they were pointing the gun @ me, and ofcoz i did not have any money to give them at time. it was 10pm the police and ambance came two hours late i have lost alot of blood. in 2007 my applanction to came to australi was granded. the life in Kakuma makes me to cry every moring of my life. we were displace of our country beacuse of cive- war not coz we were hungry, or a chioce to go to somebody’s country. the UNHCR dose great job but only 40% of the time. they r in their offices…. they have not idea of what is going on inside the camp to be honst that needs to change. i llike dis website tell peolpe about kakuma and let us share our stories with the world. Big thank you to the peolpe who designed and put it 2gether.

iam aboy who leave in kakuma refugee camp sence 1997 ihave my family here in the camp there for i would like to advise any body who knows his family members is their please help him or her as faster as you can because there is very hot in tempreture and good in education no good houses and bad in security but i would not for get kakuma in my life it this where i grow up in my child hood i love kakuma and in case if i found a resborser ship in another country i will fisit in futur in sha allah

wats up everyone first of all i’ll like to say please ALLAH make our country free and let ur human understand each other and help all the peole in kakuma cuz i my self came from kakuma.kakuma#2 ALLHAMDULLILAH
and may ALLAH bless u all

Hello everyone ALLHAMDULLILAH we as ALLAH forgiveness and we thank to GOD (ALLAH) for the placing he gave us.
to general intro myself, as you can see my name above. am uni student at melbourne and i feel disappointed how my felow muslims, somalis and africans are struggling.
i never been to kakuma but i been to mombasa and studiedtheir. But i heared several time so my guestions are: IS THEY AN EDUCATION IN KAMUKA?
IS THEY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION? how series is the education?
is they enough material?
how big is the population?
what is the percentage increase population?
what is the percentage each manth or year going to overseas?
in wich country did most refugees go to?

my last advise is to say, everyone will get what ALLAH had placed for him during starting new life (u were pregnant) so don’t stress too much


hello, ladies and gentlemen being a refugee is not something that is uttered or pronounced and that one happened because of God so let’s thank to God everything that happened to us and we know that misunderstanding is the big issue that destroyed our country so why don’t we forget about the past and think about the future like how can we solve this bad issue going on in our country? Whereever you go east, west, home is best. Can we forget about this tribalism and religious leadership that is going on in our country? What is Alshabab by the way? Are business people who came to Somalia in order to develop their business or spread their business in Somalia. Can we force a women on the street to pray? Do we know whether she has menstrual period or not? Why do we do that stupid thing? You can inform someone to follow the right path, but you can’t force him or her to pray.


Noor Afey.

Hi everyone,
I am a teacher in Lewiston Maine where many refugees from Kakuma have relocated.
I have recently raised some money for school supplies I would like sent to the Nasir Bundle pre-school a new school opening in Kakuma but the postage is outrageous. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I have lived in Kakuma Refugee Camp for almost 14 years. I have experienced many things in that little overcrowded camp. Thanks to the UN and the Kenyan Gov’t who accepted as and saved us from that which we run from. One great thank to all of those who contributed to education which has helped a lot as a refugee back then. Now I am enjoying a great deal of life here in U.S . I really missed my friend like SILVIO EWAK SIRO who we have been together in school for sometimes. well, where there is a will there is a way….I hope and pray for all us to return save and peaceful country of us.

I, Justine Potter of Savvyproductions am a producer / director, Michelle Lipton is a writer and we have created a 5 part drama series by Red Production Company for BBC Radio 4
It is based on true stories – and focuses on one refugee mother – now in the UK – and her fight to bring her 2 sons to live with her in the UK; sons who were lost when their village was under siege. The story finds the south sudanese Dinka twin boys in Camp Kakuma and reunites the family.

We are happy for people to look at the scripts of the production “Amazing Grace” – and discuss.

We would really like to end the programme with short, real a) statistics and facts about Camp Kakuma and indeed refugee camps worldwide and possibly short facts / experiences / stories from individuals who once lived there / live there still.

Please do get in contact.

Oh, and if there were any real audio recordings of the sounds of life in the camp, we’d be keen to hear them.

Best wishes

Justine Potter

Hello i am a student of international relation and diplomacy in uganda currently in my final year. over the past three years of my study i have had an interest in refugee issues which has made me to do research on and in particuly the urban resfugees. Iwould like to request for more information on the issue of refugee law and human rights of urban refugees in kenya.

Dear Joylina and KANERE,

I work with refugees in Cairo and I would like to get in touch with the protection unit you mentioned in a previous post, also for family reunification purposes. Any other information that any one can give me to help track down a missing family member of a friend of mine that might be in Kakuma would be much appreciated.

Please reply here if you have any suggestions!!

Thank you!

Dear friends and colleaques around the World,
Mentioning anyting about Kakuma Refugee Camp is not more than to say; thank to the government of Kenya, the citizens and the local land-owners of Turkana District. Your good Wills have saved the life claimed to have been lost should you have not help by accpeting the refugee to settle in your Country.

My especial thanks still go to UN/UNHCR and the most helping agencies which were the back born of UNHCR. This is my message to those have or have got chances to go to first world countries or so, please remember “God Help those who Helps themselves”

I was in the same Camp for years and now have come to Australia where now Am a proud Australian Citizen, but still I can not and will never foget where I came from, past and all the move up to date:

God Bless you dearest Kenyan

Chemaluk M.

Hi everyone who reads this message.

Kakuma is not a place where any one can described it as hell or Heaven. People who actually lived as a refugee know what it really Kakmua means.
People were secluded from the entire world with a meager food supply and not caring for them. Yes, UNHCR was there and other Nongovernmental organization was present. In most cases, the nongovernmental organization trying to help, yet the UNHCR bureaucracy will not allow the refugees to benefits.

Living in protected police, barbed wire and fenced, air conditioned room, blaming countries policy not searching for durable solution is always fake UNHCR response to donor and embassies. When refugee shot and killed by bandits and known criminals only giving lip service and not feeling the pain of refugees that was the life the refuge lived in Kenyan camps. But the protection holder does not know what Kakuma means. They complain that they were far away from their family for six to eight weeks. Refugees were there ever losing hope, dreams and killed. The school teachers were paid less than $ 60 and $ 70, Nurses, Medial assistance were paid less. Counterpart managers, program managers who run the program were not considered as productive members of the refugee community. They were labeled as “refugee” as punished and warehoused for several years because lack of advocacy and governance is lacking in larger kakuma.

However, the refugees’ greater effort, they brought to live in this camps with hopes not happening into reality. Ethiopian opens the shop and hotel business, Somalis expound on it, created internet and TV system and controlled the entertainment. In older kakuma camps, UNHCR do say that we supported all the shops and bussiness to start, that’s a big liar and grazy cheating to donors!! Its not the effort from UNHCR nor Kenya Government, the refugee survived with Grace of God..

I am Dalaya,MA student in the Institute for peace and Security studies in Addis Ababa University.I am graduating in Decemeber and I am thinking of doing my research on Kakuma Refugee Camp.I am particlularly interested if you have any local or camp conflict resolution mechanisms.Can you help me or tell me some onw who can?

THANKGOD FOR UNHCR ORGANIZATION my mother whom i thought was dead from the civil war in sudan 15 yrs ago is now is discovered and living in kakuma camp with my 4 sibllings.my only wish is to see her again.life is soo hard in kakuma,for a single mother who is suffering from ongoing apendix disease unknown.for all i no she has been there for the last 8 months and she still hasn’t recieve the ratio card because of the sudanese who are put in charged there don’t no her and would only help their relatives or friends.now i believe anyone who has been placed there as a refugee should recieved the same treatment as everyone else regardless of their marritual status.?

hi, my name is ayan am student at curtin university of technology in australia, WA, perth, i hv just seen this website, i want to contact UNHCR kakuma, my mother is in kakuma and she is really sick and no one is looking after her am worried about her and would like to come to kakuma in the coming months,,,, please if you have any contact number or e-mail of some one who works for UNHCR please send it to me this is my e-mail ayaanzamzam@hotmail.com….. thanks

This is Koch Madut from Adiang in
Twic county please it not very difficult to have time to tell your people what is good for them.
It is now time for the referendum in the country for self determination.where do you want to to go again where we came from or? choice is yours.

Hi my name is Damaris, i have just seen this website, and i would love to supply firewood ( or some type of firewood) to the Kakuma camp through a tender. I do not know who to get in touch with or contact. Can anyone help me towards this effect, I will appreciate. Thank you…..moguleastafrica@yahoo.com

My name are irene nafula from kitale.i have pursued a diploma course in community development n counseling which i finished last year.i have been to dadaab camp n al the camps near it n i felt pity for those people who were there.i have never been to kakuma camp but i would like to come and volunteer as well as be part and parcel of many.i hope my wish will be granted.u can use my mail addres as irenenekesa@yahoo.com

Hi! everyone, my name uchieng, lived in kakuma since the year 1994. I lost my mother who brought us to the camp..my brother and i are currently still living in the hostile environment…..as per now am in ‘high school’… me being in kakuma is one of the best thing that has ever happen in my life…. Despite of the situation and many others thing that has happen….but i hope, one day GOD will hear my cry…and get me out of kakuma to finish up my studies as well my brother…..or somebody out there…


Dear Mr. Meseret!

Thank you so much for your great comments and wonderful thoughts that you forwarded in expressing the real life situation in the camp kakuma. If you are around the camp right now , do not insist to contacts KANERE and your contributions are highly welcome!

Thank you

I like your website and the posting s shared by different people. Iam a volunteer trainer in Alternatives to Violence- Kenya where we train people on the need for addressing our conflicts in order to achieve peace and stability.

I have been to Dadaab Refugee Camp on various occassions to facilitate workshops and am always happy for the youth in camps. Despite their situation they still have the energy to face the day like any other normal person, not blaming circumstances but capitalising on circumstances to make something out of it. This a spirit that never dies, of shear determination and never relenting.

If offered an opportunity I would love to work as a volunteer with the refugees, either in Kakuma or Dadaab.

Hi everyone my name is Taslam and i have lived in kakuma refugee camp for 10yrs its a horrrible place but i must thank God that has gotten me &camp; my family throught the darkness yrs of our lives. i think this website is great that all the peolpe can share their life in kakuma experiences. Are you doing print copies?

Thank u!

the suffering in life, can turn its self to good and social aspects if you mean to do it for your self. i do remember how am brougt up through the mountains and valleys in the camp called kakuma during the struggle.
first, i give my heartly greetings to all the staffs organisations which are rendering services to my fellow refugees in the camp without forgeting the administration of the hosting community turkanas and the nation at large. secondly, my especail concern goes the UNHCR feild officer Dr Solomon who really mean to deliver the right services to the needy people in the camp may God bless him in his work.
i was in the camp since 1996 to 2004 and am now in the university of juba-kh
i wish to see our camp again because the is my educational foundation.

nimeri john

Thanks for the message i received from one of my friends. I am working in kakuma refugee camp. I am the coordinator Don Bosco VTC since 14th July 2010 belonging to Salesians of Don Bosco, one of the Catholic Religious agency working in kakuma., P.O.Box 41- 30501 Kakuma, Lodwar, Kenya.

hi guys my name is pendu i am the daughter of the previous writer meseret , iam 17 years old and was born in kakuma refugee camp and i am proud to say it all out to the open.i was born on october 20- 1993 and was the first ethiopian kid to be born though many people kept on thinking that my parents were crazy to think of a kid at this time and place but they still went on with their plans of bringing me to this beautifuul world.thanks to GOD i lived in kakuma though it was a horible place for me an He changed it for my family and most of all me and one time and day i will change the place to be like any other place with the help of God…belive you me that place is considered a livinghell for many people but I am one girl who loves kakuma since i was born there and it is now a big part of me..thanks for your time to read our comment its good to know that we have something or place in common.

thank you very much the Kenyan government for the protection you rendered to the non-Kenyans in kakuma refugee camp situated at the northern part of kenya. i was once a refugee before i came here to Sudan and through my eye-witness, i saw some of the basic things the Kenyan Government do. one is the security which was so good although some unconrolable situations were not handled properly, this was just minor.
the camp by its self is not fit for human live but it was made due to the concern of humanity and the protection of the abandoned. thank you UNHCR, thank you Kenya, Asante sana, your government in collaboration with the UNHCR did well to us those who left kenya and those who are still in Kenya. keep on providing the same services to them. i am now working as the SPLM State IT, this is all as a result of acedemic concern and the computer training services offered by the Salesian of Don Bosco in Kakuma. i call this dry area, a home to me and others.

Dominic Adaha Compeo.

thanks to the UN and its implementing agencies for the job well done in Kakuma refugee camp for the last 20 and so years. the word of congratulations will remain a blessing to you all.

you have been shaping the mind of the young refugee children to become responsible citizens in their countries when peace is restored in their respective countries. you have also taken our africans young people to go and study overseas, which will give africa a big pride after ripping the the fruits of the young in the near future to come.

thanks you very much

Dominic Adaha Compeo

I am trying to plan a visit to Kakuma, Fr.Devasia Manathara do you have an email address where i could reach you? I am keen to work with Don Bosco as i believe their capacity building projects are great and i have heard that they have a great relation ship with the community. Thankyou kindly, Yasmine.

Hello guys!
Just one thing to note is that Kakuma is not a prison or a hell no, it is a school, a university and those that persevere will be graduated and crowned! just like the Isrealites were tested by God throught the dersert is the same to the peaple in kakuma refugee camp.So those who will be patient will eat the good of the land!
I have lived in kakuma for 13 years and Iam true witness of that! be humble and learn “kubali kufuzwa” thanx to all cordinating the camp as a whole!
God bless you all

Dear Yasmine!
Thank you very much for your comments and Reading KANERE! was good hearing that you would be on visit to the kakuma Camp. At the moment we don’t have email address to Fr.Devasia but if you could write back soon again.., we can hopefully send you the contacts;

Regards from KANERE

Hello every one i am kemal somalian adult boy 21yrs who live in somalia how can i come to this camp?pls help me b/c life in here is realy bad just guide me pls how to come tnx

I just had a wonderful opportunity today, in Nova Scotia, Canada, to meet and talk with Farhiyo, a lovely young woman who grew up in Kakuma and is now attending university in our town. She has pursued her eduaction, with the hopes of being able to sponsor the rest of her family to join her in Canada in the future. It was a real experience to have her share her experience in Kakuma with me.

hellow , to all my brothers and sisters who once or up to now live in kakuma refugee camp,also lets give our appreciation to kenyan gov. for serving to their brothers from neighbor countries, and also i love to thank all org.ngo,unhcr, and human rights ,
i spent in kakuma more thn dacede , and now i live in atlanta ,georga
i love to say to brothers after getting education benift for western countries let get ready to help our peaple ,

First of all i thank those who tried to comment about life in kakuma camp bcz the way they have commented it is the way it is i also want to thank gvment for providing security and unhcr but i can suggest to NGO to increase inceintive bcz the price of product have raised while inceintive is still 3500 etc

I really feel sory about this refugees in the camps, pepole have not any right to move out side of the camps,this show that in kenya no democracy.That is the refugees human rights are not kept in kakuma or kenya.i want to tell to kenya Government that all human bengs are equal and that is also a reality b4 God,please change ur policies as soon as possible.Be FOLLOW UR COUNTRY MAN OBAMA FOR CHANGE !!


dear brother and sisters my name is kemal i am somalian adult who live in ethiopia i have lost my relatives in somalia i used to live with my family here in ethiopia finally the all went back to somalia and i couldnt go back becouse of the war i would like to come and joing the somalian refugees in kakuma i have been living here in addis ababa alsmost 10 years with out education even future so i decided to come to kakuma my uncle is the manager of the midaynta comunity service in canada they all forget about us so what should i do dear sir madam? wish you to send me back soon thanks

yours sincerly: kemal

To: The Head of UNHCR: Kakuma Refugee Camp.

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is my pleasure to revisit my former home (the Camp) this December. I wish I could have someone to sit with me and share the experinnces. I didn’t know how to this time how much the best of the people of Kenya, not only to me as South Sudanese but to other African Nationalities whose the war affected in their home countries and seeked a refuge in Kenya. This Credit will always remain on the citizens of Kenya.

Please let me see someone at the UNHCR Office sometime this December.


Chemaluk: Melbourne,Australia

my name is Ali Mohamed kadhi.born in somalia 1992.i have never seen my mother and my father since i was born not even a picture of them.i was raised by a mother who was said to be my mothers friend in somalia,barawa..i grew up in a refugee camp called JALIYADHA.but it was closed on 2008.in 2006 my guardian went for ressetlement in another country and left me in JALIYADHA because she feared that the US will take DNA and am not her child.i roamed around the city of mombasa with no identity of whom i am.i joined a local tution so as i can know how to read and write english..but the city of mombasa wasnt safe for me because of the police who kept on harassing us especialy when i attaiined the age of 18..so on 2010 i decided to go to kakuma camp which was a 3 days journey from where i was..i reached kakuma and got registered as a refugee but i wasnt allowed to go out of the camp without a permit..and all i had is to the yellow UN porridge and water…but luckily i found a person who knew me..lucky enough he told me that i have a brother in the USA.He connected me with my brother and now he is the only person i have in this unfair world…he wants to sponsor me but he doesnt know where to start..actualy he doesnt know the requirements and the procedure of sponsoring someone…

KAKUMA is not a bad place actualy its a place where people get to know alot of life tactics…For a lost boy like me,kakuma will help me to become a hardcore..and also us being not alowed to go out of the camp makes me jobless..in this camp i cant see my future..all the dreams i had got shattered…and another bad thing in kakuma is the kenyan people (National staffs both at the UNHCR and OTHERS)….they treat us like dogs.. i wish they could know what we went through and its not our fault neither is it our wish to be in kakuma under ‘your control’

please if anyone knows about sponsoring a person procedures and requirements because my brother wants to sponsor me plizz contact me at ally_kadhi@yahoo.com

current location:KAKUMA 2/zone 01/block 02


HI my name is Ahmed i’m from somali! I live in canada, my famliy is lives in kakuma.. i just wanna say hello to everyone! I love you guys so much and i miss you guys a lot in that part of the WORLD! KANERE weldone aned keep up in 2011

It was some time ago that I heard of some Rescued People at Sea being brought to Mombassa, Kenya around September-October 2010 by a United States War Ship (USS Pearl Harbor). I have received one E-mail from one person from that group saying something about sponsorship. What is “sponsorship”? Does anyone know who these people were and how they are doing? What are the chances of visiting Kakuma? Is it wise to do so? Are there any nearby areas which a visitor could/should stay?
Any information would be of help.

Thank you.

I would like to do an attachment in Kakuma with any organization or department on any community/ health psychology related field. Am a third year B.A Social Studies- Psychology student at Moi University, Kenya. I will be on vacation from May to August 2011. Can I get one?

It is painful that some people divert what has been contributed to help refugees to their own interest.I wish I had the authority in the government of Kenya, I would have influenced positive changes in the camps.
Currently I’m a third year taking course in Disaster Management and International Diplomacy at Masinde Muliro University. I would like to see by myself the condition in the camps and offer some help through attachment stipulated to start from May- August this year. Pleas help me to get that opportunity to help uphold dignity of humanity. Thank you.

Hey all,

I have always heard about Kakuma Refugee Camp and i am very interested in working there.I have a Masters in Development Studies and I would appreciate a career which involves giving back to the community and I also like traveling to new people and I believe going to Kakuma would be a roller-coaster for me.
Any N.G.O or organization which would like yo utilize my skills and knowledge you can contact me on cynodera24@yahoo.com.


I’m Congolese by nationality I’m among those twenty-one banyamulenge from kakuma kamp we have been struggle for long time
since we live that camp we have not any assistance
because of kakuma conflict even all our tribe suffer because of many Congolese who call themselves banyamulenge for get our profit
please be who you are
don;t not take our name and use it like your
we are not, business so that
plebe accept who you are and where you have been coming from
just don’t be like chameleon for changing your language
who are in kakuma camp have call themselves manyamulenge
for more information write to this email so that i may explain you for long

My name is Filipe Lopes, and iam fromPortugal, and maybe I will go to Kakuma next April.
So I want to know if you can send me some information about Kenya, Kakuma anda other important informations.

Best Regards

Helllo all my name is sacdiyo and I am from Lost Nation Somalia. Current living UK. Reading your comments about Kakuma’s life made me cry as I have family in there. However its better than nothing.Does anyone know if I can sponsor my family?

Thank you and God Bless you all

Hello friends,

am south Sudanese who had ever been to kakuma refugee camp (Kakuma brain child), i would like to know from my fellow south sudanese who are still in bandage land of Kenya to explain to me what they are still doing yet peace has been enjoy for last of seven years since the sigining of CPA?
go home and build yourself permanent houses rather than living in grass houses

Hi, i am currently a third year occupational therapy student yet to graduate in this coming July. In my life as student i have been able to placed in various areas of practical experience that range from pediatric, psychosocial, physical dysfunctions and Geriatrics applied to occupational therapy. I have also been able to work in a community to identify those patients with various disabling conditions who have not been taken to the hospital for medical intervention. I have got a very strong interest to work with refugees after finishing my college. Please help me to know how am supposed to go about it.

I am Erika Gunnell a caseworker with Franklin County Children services, in Columbus, Ohio . I am looking for a Abdulqadal SHEIKH MOHAMUD. I am open on his daughter Amina Mohamud. The mother’s name is Habiba Hassan. Is he in this camp?

Hi there, I am an Australian who does volunteer work with the Sisters of the Good Shepherd in Kangeta Kenya. I am also studying International aid and Coummunity development at a Univeristy in Perth. I will be in Kenya for about 4 weeks in November/December of this year I would really like to visit Kakuma what is the best way for me to do this.
Thanks you

kakuma has helped so many and is still helping more … thanx to UNHCR..and other NGOs like the Jesuits etc.. Am a kenyan who has a development studies degree from makerere specializing in international development. Development is a wide term involving political, social and economic development. It’s my humble request to any NGO interested in a volunteer to offer me a chance by repyling to this mail and giving me your contacts.. am EDNA .

Hi bro and sis..i really appreciate for the comment u post.. actually i am a son of kakuma …i love kakuma full of my heart …its where i grow up since… and start my Kindergarder…and finish my form 4 high school…now am in Australian with my parents
thnks to the locals kenyans and UNHCR…for making my dream to come true…

Kindly come to the rescue of a family with small kids sleeping along the road at church road, westlands. They have been here for more than a week Its so cold and rainy.

stiil am refugee since 1991, i was living several camp like, utange refugee camp, swaleh nguru camp, and now kakuma r. camp omg! stiil ididnt get any chance to the resetllement

I am a Somali citizen,permanent resident in United States.
While I was back home in Somalia,i used to work for the refugees in northen part of Somalia @camp Tog wachale as health aid worker in a feeding center for children under five years of age. As upto now I feel like is my obligation to go back and work voluntary to the people who are afected by worst droughts ever happen in 60 years through the horn of Africa. I am kindly asking if there is any one who can help me join any team that is going now. I have my all expenses ready ticket and everything that I need. Please let me know asap. Thanks in advance.

Dear Muktar,

Thank you very much for your comments and complimentary about the resettlement opportunities in Kakuma Camp.

I will advise if you could visit UNHCR field post or try to meet with the UNHCR Officials at the resettlement unit in Kakuma.

Thank you for reading our news paper and giving comments!

KANERE Editorial

Dear Mr. Omar Mohamed,

Thank very much for your great comment on your experience for working with the refugees and helping them in the Camps in Somalia. Here, in Camp Kakuma, the majority of the populations were still Somalis from the war ton Somali land, yet the biggest warehouse is at Daadab Camps in the northeaster Kenya which currently accommodated over 350,000 refugees.

I would welcome any of your assistance towards the camp problems in the way possible that you can, though we will keep in touch!

Thanks again for reading KANERE and keep on,

KANERE Editorial Desk

To every one, am so happy that i have so many testimonies of my Old Girls and Old boys of kakuma,
I left kakuma last year am in good life but still my minds are still in kakuma,
Thanks to UNHCR Kenyan Gov’t and The turkana, though some things were not good but that is life,
i will be back in kakuma to visit my fellow refugees.
Greetings to all K1,K2,K3 new area and protection unit.( KAMILION, BLACK,IBRA AND KADOLI. KK3 NEW AREA)
Big up to KANERE to give us this oppotunity.


Thank you very much for highlighting on the life experience at Kakuma refugee camp and reading KANERE. I hope the old girls and the boys will definitely find time to reading KANERE to hear your testimonies and greetings from that far away lands of beauty and safety there but internet is still bring the glob closer!

Thanks also for defining the camps; however it’s under new blocking and addressing system.

Keep your lively comments on sharing your experience!

Big ups,
KANERE Editorial Desk

Hello every body ! Kakuma is an exam and panishment 4 the humanbieng and clasification of those who obey GOD,S order and those who do not.If are livng in the donor countries like U.S.A AUSTRALIA CANADA. And wishing 2 come kakuma plz come with the flowing items; certain packets of codoms,firewoods, yellow beens locally known as misiryelow,and black eyeglasses for the blowing wind…

It is almost been 5 years since i left for Nairobi, thanks for reminding me about Kakuma. the only one good thing is that you able to interact with one another in kakuma especially when i was in kakuma refugee secondary in 2006-2007. I interact with kenyans somalis.

It is almost been 5 years since i left for Nairobi, thanks for reminding me about Kakuma. the only one good thing is that you were able to interact with one another in kakuma especially when i was in kakuma refugee secondary in 2006-2007. I interact with kenyans and somalis.

Hello.My name is Lionel Currently living in Kakuma where life is not easy.Very hot in these roof thatched house like its hell.The scorpions its a normal thing.I realy dont see any future here so jobless that you cant even get 20KSH to log on FB.Gosh school sucks, I mean Too much AIDS out here esh I wish had a sponsor to or someone to pull me out here.I am good at both English & Swahili done with Malawi’s Secondary School..Esh now I ‘m a refugee here with these nomads Turkanas.I wish also Burundi had peace.so that Refugee could return to Citizen.If u been a refugee or you are one remember God got your back.Pain in Mans life not small thing.
Wanna keep in touch this my email:lionelhkz@hotmail.com.


The two years I spent at Kakuma were practical and rewarding experience. I arrived Canada in 2003, sponsored by WUSC, and completed BA in Humanitarian Politics. Currently, I am pursuing a master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. The sufferings and adversities I had encountered in the camp had given me the ground to face any kind of challenge in life with certainty and hope. Kakuma, I won’t forget you!

Hi there, I am a family lawyer from Australia. I have a client from Sudan who was a refugee in Kukuma from early 90’s through to 2006. She was married to her husband in accordance with traditional customs at the time. Her family has subsequently moved to Australia but now she wants to apply for a divorce from her husband.

The Australian Court only has jurisdiction to grant the divorce if “under the local law, the marriage was, at the time when it was solemnised, recogised as valid”. It seems that the bride and groom’s families met and decided that the parties would be married. This was considered to be in accordance with traditional customs but no marriage certificate exists and it seems that no “ceremony” took place and no one officiated the marraige.

Can someone confirm whether this is indeed “customary”, or direct me to some website where I could find out more information about this?

Hello Wycliff,

Thanks for yoour comment/request; A New community based school has been established by refugees in the camp, They require qualified teachers from recognised univerisities both for the elit refugees and citizen.

This can be a good opportunity for your case.

keep reading KANERE

refugees from Rwanda are facing alot of pschcological and trauma problems and they were scattered through out the east and horn of African becoze of trouble in Rwandan. what is it ment by force repatraition of refugees living in the camps?

Thank U for the good work, despite the difficult situations im still interested in working with you. Can you offer me a chance?

Thank you Mariga for your comment and finding interest to work at KANERE.

You are welcome to this site; however as you may know we are a news paper Agency operating in camps on voluntary basis; if you are interested in this to be a voluntary staff at KANERE?

Keep reading about us,


Hello,UNHCR workers I wish you Happy x-mass,But I have to say that please I need urgent Protection help unless I want to leave/go away from this place,I have so many problem but I have not get one solution up to date please and why?

From Kakuma 1

Hi Daniel,

I hope UNHCR officials will respond to your request. You should approach UNHCR directly! We understand the problems of securing an appointments slip only to get into UNHCR premises and meeting with their lawyers at Kakuma; however you should also visit UNHCR field posts though it may be closed soon.

I hope these ideas will help in some ways

Good luck,


Thank you so much for this information.I have been to Dadaab Refugee camp and feel something better can be done to improve the this status.The way out I think is to streghthen Education provision in the camps and help refugees earn their living as this is more human.Hecko Lutheran World Federation I am a teacher manager in Nairobi and would love to work there its fulfilling.Thank you God bless

Hello UNHCR expert please I am currently need emergence/hard sport because I need protection before because of my strong case that I leave my country,when I get the camp I am reporting ,but I am not get solution,but currently I am in hard situation Tat is same body intimidate me to kill or to do his compulsory Question I am refuse his idea and hide my self with out any sport who can help me no one I want to leave this please if there is no one to solve my protection case.I am professional man I have bachelor degree and work experience .I am live in kakuma refuge camp Ethiopian community

thanks for this information always …..Happy new year(2012). In November i was in kakuma for a visit and i was happy that this time kakuma was not very hot, although there is alot of Malaria due to continuos rainfall and i also hate Laaga.and matope.
but i thank God that i managed to come back and visit my friends.
i wish you the best.
Greetings from Netherlands

Am a primary school teacher in kenya.First thanks for the good job you are doing secondly I was asking are there any school programme there and if they are how do pick your teachers? Thanks in advance.

hi, im glad about the information i have received from this site.Im a student at Egerton University pursuing BSc. Community Development and id like to get more information about how i can get internship at Kakuma Refugee Camp from May until August,2012. Thank you.

hi everyone my name is mohamed jama ali iam the one who is under unhcr in kakauma refuge camp so realy i have big problems so how can i get asisstance such as problems thnx evertone in here

Hi my name is Esther, i have a degree in computer science and having graduated recently from Egerton University would like to volonteer at Kakuma refugee camp. Please assist me on how to achieve this.

hello everyone, my name is mohamed hassan and i live here in kakuma refugee camp. i have stayed for long years. i am ethopian by the nationality, i came here in 1997 am still hopeless and now am in kakuma camps as hope. I wanted to know if there are and what is the limit for a refugees to live in the camps??

I wish you all the best in your work.God bless you all.if possible you can give me any job even if it means to be avolunteer.

Hello Esther,

Thanks for reading KANERE. Regarding your request you should try to get in contacts with severaly Humanitarian Agencies that operates within the camps. We also welcome volunteers who are experienced on journalism field to pay support for the Refugee Free Press


Hie, I am somali by nationality living in kakuma refugee camp if i talk about situation in kakuma it is really very hard life i was arriving in kakuma in 1997 march since now the things we complianing is about poor ration which are not enough for us and also water as we are refugees we have right to get farming so that we get our bread for daily life! I what ot ask why food got expired while in the stores at kakuma??

What are the ways in which the residents of Kakuma can receive money from their relatives in the US? Which companies serve them? MPESA?

What are the ways in which the residents of Kakuma can receive money from their relatives in the US? Which companies serve them? MPESA? Western Union? I know some Somalis who are desparate to send money to their relatives at the camp and I am trying to get some solutions and or laternatives for them.

we are here in Kakuma camp for a reason with this many seasons of such saddenes and mistreatment lets became more united, so people be patient. peace is coming. and we will be back to our motherland… I am a somali girl from kakuma1


I was a refugee in kukama and God delivered me from that hardship life and now I have composed an interesting song about my life as an IDP to represent to the world how the life in refugee is always hard, and to challenge the both Kenya and S.Sudan governments to maintain support to those refugees.

what have you done for those who are living alone and don’t have parents and relatives in the camp and don’t have job? Please if you are UNHCR officer can you please asist those people. they have lost their moral because they takes few food, I am staying with these people and am a member like them who need to get full assist!


My name is anab awad abdi, i am poor girl and i need to know my procces in 2008. i have live kakuma4 zone7. Now i am greeting UNHCR and head of thier officer in Geneva and i hope to receive answer my question?

thank you by Anab

Hello, my name is Corina and I lvie in Canada. I have been in contact with a person who lives in Kakuma refugee camp. I would like to try to help him, but don’t know how. Can you help me by telling me how I can help someone who lives in the camp?

Thanks a lot, Corina.

Hi, my name is mohamed.i was born in 1991 in marsabit Refugee camp which run by UNHCR and i was set out in 1992 by the red cross kenya after that we moved to kakuma camp in 1993. I am now an adult and still in kakuma with no hope and no future, Just idol in kakuma. Is there any solution of durable solution for me or even other people like me at kakuma?


Jomo Juma said, on February 7, 2012 at 8:34 am What are the ways in which the residents of Kakuma can receive money from their relatives in the US? Which companies serve them? MPESA? Western Union? I know some Somalis who are desparate to send money to their relatives at the camp and I am trying to get some solutions and or laternatives for them.

You can always send money to kakuma through Dahabsil money transfer (owned and operated by the Somalis globally). I also use the same method to send money to South Sudan. I hope this helps!


Corina, Thanks for the heart of helping.. if you widh to help some one in the camp there are steps you have to follow but it also depends on the way you want to help.
but if it is about ressetlement i think you have to Check..www.cic.gc.ca, read the all information, then contact the person and let him/her submit the case to you so that you can forward it. where it is neccesary. And if all goes well i think the CIC will contact the UNHCR
I am a ressetled refugee now but that is the little idea i have.about this.
Big up to Kakuma News Reflector,
Grtings from Netherlands.

Corina Anghel Bachmann >> It is UNHCR that did it’s work for my ressetlement.. But that can not stop you from your ambition of helping him becouse Canada has many ways of ressetlement programs.. for example there is posibility of Private sponsor.. and that is not here. i think it is only In Canada and Austraria with these possiblilities. That is the little i have for this time.
But all in all the process starts there then back to UNHCR because the refugees were believed to belongs to Camps under UNHCR.
i real respond because i know the situation in the camp. it is not so easy although UN does its best yet peoples life are wasted. Keep that heart of helping!
If you have more Qn .. ask.. i will answer…


Hallo Corina,

Thank you very much for your inquiry and reading KANERE. It’s wonderful to hear about your desired kindness to find some solution for person’s suffering under protracted situation here. We will respond to your quires as soon as possible!


Dear unhcr officers first of all like to thanks for what you did to me and the rest of the refugees like me.since i flee away from my loved home I’ve been living here in nairobi. I made my interview after dat i had visited 3 time ,twice at my appointment date the 3rd time i want to report my Current problem, but the waiter prohibit me to let in ..i know dat un is the best humaniterian org in the world. But i dont know why the waiter did that ? i felt sorry at them.
Nasrudin mahdi

Am one of refugee living in this camp with my parent..,We fled Somalia in 1991 and we arrived this camp in 1993, amazing! I think we’re the real refugee but the kind of the resettlemtn creteria is not clear kkkkkk.. keeping our lives for 18yrs on the hear?, like we’re in prison….. Kakuma is ma home town now and looks like my new country… “I like kakuma”

I am in this kakuma refugee camp all refugees are in bad situation but especially burundians.we need a change because even great lake peoples are also human being like others.i don’t say that because i am burundian but it’s because there biasness in the camp.every people born equally.i am waiting for your fiedback.

Hello Guys
Iam Dobo peter a member of participatory video club in Kakuma refugee camp.If I discribe or narating what UNHCR has did,the space will not enough for it in the wibsite if am wrong in that topic.Let it be like that because we knows the UNHCR is the Father and the mother of the refugees who can care,giving medicaton,school,protection free and so on and my especially thanks go to those whom participate to help a youth in the camp give them a good talent and protection.my God bless UNHCR

My name is yahye jama, i am currently living kakuma refugee camp 2012, kakuma is semi-arid and it is difficult to grew some subsistance crop bcoz the soil are not suitable, lack of water and extra tempereture and also kakuma have many posioners animal e.g snack, scopian and many many other. The environment is entirelly very bad, kakuma are divided in 5 vilage the town which are live only the citizen and kakuma 1,2,3&4 which are @ of them are circled a large lake which sometimes bring large amount of water & many people past away in the lale the side of health care, is obviously very poor and we can’t conclude the history of kakuma and i am very sorry people who are funing kakuma and u can explain when u live kakuma 20 with shortage of food, health care and water ok

i am highly a preciating u and u can understand the feeling when ur mother /brother are crying bcoz of lack basic needs

thank u

This page has given me a broader parception of the hardship these refugees go through in their everyday life, if i can be of help in way, i’m here.

I am barawa Somali. i wanna come to kakuma, I run away from Kismayo. In my family we are 5 and all die and then run to Kenya where i thought my life will be saved! plse help us!!

I am Yared i was there really and i can still remember all the time how the life there was … what is the purpose of UNHCR keeping people in kakuma for 25 years? absolutely under zero tolerance. averagely one person who live in KAKUMA get food which is not equal to other human beings, the price of fresh food is high yet we are allocated less than 15 Dollar per month?


Hi, i am Mark. I meant when i said that i was willing to help, in any way necessary. Please contact me either through my email or phone number. I don’t have any experience whatsoever, but that doesn’t mean I’m incompetent. I really feel i should help. Thank you

hi im malaika, im a nurse at auckland hospitalin NZ, i currently work with hiv/tb and other such diseases, i am coming to Kenya for a holiday in september andi would love to come for a week and lend my skills, it would be dream for me to work in a camp like yours, im happy to be of use and would love a reply thank you Malaika

Hello every one,
my name is Abdulkarim Kadir. i’m Ethiopian oromo refugee who live in kakuma refugee camp. is there any body who can help me or get for me sponsor? thanks all, if yes please contact me on caala06@live.com thanks again! for first time ever Kakuma news is connecting us around the world!!


Kakuma Refugee camp really shape the life’s of some of us who were once being called Minors or unaccompanied children.
Great thanks to the UNHCR and the Kenyan Government for what they have contributed to our life.
Although it was unbearable place to live in, but requires determination especially to those who want to pursue with Education. LWF/DWS you service will never be forgotten.

Hi Everyone overseas and in the Camp,

It was great end-Year Dec, 2010 when I was in the Camp for 21 days researching about refugees and witnessing Sudanese casting thier votes for Separation or Unity in Kakuma. Life there is still threatening for local community as well as the refugees in the Camp. My message to donnars including the Kenya Government is that, if any help comes by chance, please do not forget the portion to local people`s aids/help (Turkana). In God we have all things in common and days are numbered to all of us,

I had seen amazing african love from both the refugees and Turkana tribes men and women by sharing things in good spirit. The good hearts of Turkana citizen together with Government of Kenya have saved life of those who are currently in USA, Australia, Canada, Norway, Greater Britain and so the list…. Thanks to the UNCHR and the helping agencies, Thanks to the Management of Kakuma Guest house for accommodation.To my friends, family members, relatives and former schoolmates, It is a drop from heart that I missed you all and one day we shall meet and gives each other warm hugs. Wherever you are, am with you

Maluk M. Monyjok: Melbourne, Australia

Hi Every one,I am a refugee from kakuma refugee camp,i would like to congratulate UNHCR for the camp election.This is wonderful.I hope this system will work effectively but again my leaders are complaining so it is important to practise new things within refugee camps.

Hi, am a student in kakuma in secondary school. I would wish to get help coz life in kakuma is terible, please contact me through facebook Princess hibo. My phone number is 0712659692. Am wishin 4 ol da best!

Hello, I am a retired woman living in Colorado, and I just wanted to convey my thoughts of these poor lost souls. I just watched the movie “Lost Boys” and cried for them. The film was a fantastic outlook on young and old desperation for life and living. I’m sorry this has happened to all of you at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya. Please keep hold of your faith in God or whatever your faith to keep your futures alive.
Although I can’t afford a donation (living on Social Security here in America does not leave me with much money) but I would like to know if you accept clothes, hygiene products, and other items?
If I can get an actual phsical address to mail a box of items that I would try to collect here in Colorado and mail to you, would you please email me back. I don’t have a computer at home but will be coming back to my library to check out any information you can give me.
Thank you and God Bless You All

Patricia Akers, Fort Lupton, Co

Hi Patricia,

Thanks very much for your comments and concern of the refugees situations at Kakuma. We welcome your support to assisting the refugees! Feel free to contacts us and any help you want to provide is welcome!

Sorry to be so short but what she needs (again) is an actual ‘no kidding’ address so that she can try to send itmes there that can help… Sheeesh… Is that so hard to do? Thank you. Steve

I just can’t imagine the suffering these lost boys have gone through. Not to even have clothes on your back is truly disgusting and appalling – not of the boys and men – but of the large corporations and countries that are looking the other way and not helping at all! I’m praying for you guys and will try my best to get some clothes sent your way. PLEASE may I have your physical address in Kenya where I can ship some clothes. I am assuming you have all ages of boys and men there, so will try to get a selection of sizes sent. Have been sick for over a week, but getting better now, so will be on the move to hopefully get clothes sent your way. God Bless You All and Please keep the faith whatever it is.

Hi Patricia,
I hope you are well, I have sent you an email in the past week but wondering if you have found it. Thanks again for all your good concerns and will to support refugees lost boys and men in a refugee camp of kakuma. Our physical address is here;
To: The Editor Kakuma News Reflector (KANERE)
C/- HAKI HOUSE P.O. Box 25340 – 00603 LAVINGTON, Nairobi – KENYA.

Hi, my name is Khor AKA warchild i was born in S.Sudan in Small town called Nasir in upper Nile state. I Came to Kakuma refugee camp in 2003- I came to Australia in 2008 am still remember people struggling finding water,food,shelter and so on. life wasn’t easy even now i heard people still suffering.my mum&Dad are in South Sudan my siblings are in kitale study some of relative still lives in Kakuma refugee.
all i dream as a kid is give something back to my people who are suffering in Refugee camp.
may god bless everyone back home in Kakuma refugee camp.

Really, i am so glad that to see all these slams are protected,what i remeber how refugees was surviving; specially fomermer Govt times are so hard..,but I thankk God about the efforts from Kenya govt who has also done good in peace keeping in the region. I heard that alot of change will happen in the refugee camps, i hope for better!

I pray for world peace and that everyone will live in qual quality of life;


My name is Murjan mohamed mngoya, from Bantu community kakuma 2, zone 1,block 11,people talks many about kakuma refugee camp,it is true about all you talking while others are writing. i am just supporting u all that camp life is totaly bad,bandit during the night,people being killed like animals,lagas,mad,hot sun,flood,scorpion,snakes,insecurity etc… so let us pray to our great GOD so that He take us to some where else we can enjoy the life with our families,and forget all of these sad issues and bad life. I belive GOd will help us!!

My names are Abdallah Khalifa a burundian.I live in Nairobi but l’m not a refugee. I have a lot of friends who live in Kakuma camp.They told me that life in Kakuma is very hard. Also they informed me that UNHCR doesn’t help them anything like other nationalities from Somalia,Soudanase,Ethiopians and others about provinding them with durable helped. So my question; I want to know what UNHCR plans to those Burundian refugees?


For camp refugees, I’m still lost in some ways but where i’m coming from seems more conflict and where i’m going i’m going/living is not understood yet and could there should be some place to go from this place!!


Hi everyone my name is khadija Hassan. i was at Kakuma refugee camp in kakuma i was 2 years old. and left their when i was 12 years old now i am at the united State. My family and i had our ups and downs in Kakuma but i missed those days.MY dream is when i am done with studies i want to go back to Kakuma and volunteer.

Dear sir and madam,
hello to you…i want to inform u..my family we a ten but different father,five a not deaf and they are all boys but us the other five three boys,two girls we are deaf.before we stay in Liboi at 1990 up 2001 we moved to Garissa at 2001 up to now but three boys are there in usa for reguee camp but we are not from the same father,two boys are away to somalia and we are with mum stay at the house rent in garissa kenya…my mum have apply the refugee camp in Nairobi kenya at 2007,we have passed at 2008 but not inform yet and we have been waiting for five year as we have stay in kenya 21 last year but we are suffering since…i’d be glad if you help us…thanks

Unhcr has to act quickly inoder to help those refugees suffering in kakuma camp. All they hope and wait for is the support and help from unhcr. Refugees are made to believe that unhcr is their last hope! Is this unhcr human or devil or the staffs are angels?


Dear sir/madam, i have a problem iam one of the refugees in dadab camps specially hagadera block, i have a family size 6, my card have been transfered to kakuma illegaly, we are here almost 21 years, we came here in 01/01/1992 so dear sir/madam plz assist me that problem also we have not take any food and items thanks dear sir/madam by

You people are great and doing important work. I appreciate your efforts in your great work for the less fortunate suffering people.God bless.


I have big problem. I arrive in 2006 in kakuma, then i was regected 2007 by UNHCR and i applead to them again because that is the rules. I was regected 4 yers later (2011). I shocked about it. I don’t get food and other services. I am still in this camp? My life is wasted. I am in danger for my life. I need help?


Living inside the camp is equally prison and exile due to inaccessibility of movement pass to allow them move around within Kenya. Unlike many colleagues of mine who decided to escape from poverty to become poorer in slums in the Kenyan cities, I stayed and persisted the most populated refugee camp in the world to access a scarce resource.

The constraints in the camps were not only material but also psychological. The agony in our voices were far more than material. The only hope was to build intellectual capacity within the available variables which were far more excruciating and awful. After getting sponsorship for both my high school and undergraduate studies within and outside the camp, I graduated with Bachelor Arts in social science, Economic as major and political science as a minor.

my name is hassan i was born in kakuma-4 my father Name is C/qadir caden mayow and my mother is name is mero Abdi we live in U.S.A specially columbus ohio , what are they everybody Happy New YEAR 2013 my Email is mashabdi@yahoo.com P.O.BOX 43228 the date will be 12/31/12 East and west home is the Best god bless somalia means no justice means no peace

Happy New Year everybody in this forum. I thank God for protecting us until this year. May you all live to see your heart’s desires come to pass and thrive like an eagle to achieve your dreams. For me, this is a year of greater harvest. I believe that I will accomplish significant things and I can see them happening already.

Hi i am Gaal who lives now in America. i was searching a story on refugees then found this great website about Kakuma Camp. It’s very interesting to have Kanere. I learn Kakuma where Turkanas (host) resided between Sudan and Kenya. I have enjoyed the geography and how they described the owners of this website. After that i have read all story about living in Kakuma which is truly a is a hell. Its so interesting to see all refugees comments here after some article…

I know living in camp is so hard and i have been through to Utango then Barawani camps all in Kenya. I still remembered no where to go around the whole day and it feels like being in a jail. I am happy about the Kakuma is different on changing enviroments despite everlasting problems the refugees in kakuma goes through! They need action?

I am kindly asking for the address to kakuma refugee camp, I would like to apply for internship as I wait to graduate from school of law in December this year.

Im currenlly living in australian i have being in australia over 15 years knw im 23 years old knw australian citizen and im proud to live in australia melbourne…..my father and mother died in somalia when i was a little babyi was two months old tht time i never got the time to see my mother and daddy …last two years i found my other brothers through the facebook an i was shook an exciting thy a my half brothers an thy older as well two of them lives south africa other two lives in ethiopia we talk a lot when we chattin on facebook or on the phone they and mother is dead as well an knw thy struggllin life and we all would love to me and united so please help me to united to my other brother an i would love to take the DNA just to prove them so please help

Hi my are names ahmed abdalla, I am somalia by nationality and i have been a refugee over 5 year. I will request u.n.h.c.r to give me a chance because i finish my eduction both primary and secondary and am working as counsellor-assisstant 2 year now in Kakuma.. so will request to get resettlement to get to a new life and new hope to live!

Thanks Kanere for being there for us,

Of course the united nation should maintain on this assistance becoz we have some countries that deal with violence like jonglei state juba south sudan,as murle now are displaced out on their land. So a lot of victim here in Juba came from Pibor had no support on school even the way of reaching Kakuma refugee is so hard, problema of transport through to the camp. I’m also from pibor a student and i stay now without joining 2 school no any person should get me school fees!! if any one have blessing heart let him or her should take me to school in Kakuma camp? Thanks:I have passed my regards to all around the world. I did have anything with me now!


Hello! Thank you very much to join you today. I have a complain about my decision letter from UNHCR. Would like to ask this how many years can someone wait for a decision because since I finished my second eligibility is now almost one year and for my wife is one year and a month. Would like to know shall we wait for a decision until when? My R/Card is 1118513. I hope to hearing from you very soon. Wishing you all the best. Love you all. Yours Sincerely Nyange Musombo

Kanere, How i can get process for resettlement since my ration card was of date 2007? This UNHCR say they serve people according to boarder cross yet other people are not guided by the same rules.., I am confused!

Well done to UNHCR in Kakuma Refugee Camp. I am a refugee living the same camp. May the Almighty bless the the government of Kenya for providing a proper security to the refugees in Kakuma, Kenya. I am also praying for the well-wishers who donated funds to facilitate every activity in Kakuma.

Interested in working with the refugees. I am a qualified, experienced tailoring teacher. Contact me if u have any vacancy in any camp. Thanks

Our law firm is currently representing a client who was born in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. He is facing serious criminal charges and we are trying to argue for his case to be heard in the Children’s Court jurisdiction rather than the adult court jurisdiction (which carries more severe penalties).
We require proof of his date of birth to successfully argue for his case to be dealt with in the Children’s Court. Unfortunately he does not have a copy of his birth certificate and we are wondering who can assist us with this query. We appreciate any response.

Thanks for contacting Kanere and we shall be willing to assist in whatever we can over mentioned case of your client at the court!

At Kanere, our assistance can be limited but we can alarm to UNHCR Protection Unit in Kakuma about your query; Should we know where is the client’s current residency? What is his/her status in that country?

I’m Kelvin kwoba opara a Kenyan .Currently i have just completed a degree course in community psychology and am waiting graduation in January 2014.I have studied refugee psychology as a course unit,i have experience with refugees since we have been meeting and sharing with them at Uganda law project for refugees.i have also learned E.A languages and i speak English,luganda,Swahili, Ndinga and Arabic of s.sudan and other local languages of western Kenya.I would kindly request that you get me volunteer work
since my proffession is to help chains from mental disturbed,im also computer literate.THANKS

I request for any job,i studied adiploma in community health and development,i would like promote and save peoples life.thank you.

I am asking about resettlement and education, how the people from grate lakes? we’ve done the nation exams for as the level similar to a collage level in Kenya? How can a person like get acceptance of a sponsorship becoz i have a college grade! I want to study bout i don’t see any helps..

How does one join the volunteer program in the camp???

I am 25 Years and want to volunteer as part of my community service. please direct me on the same.

Hi, My name is Judith Sitero and I think I was born at the Kakuma refugee camp hospital 16 years ago. I live in Washington state now by the way. My uncle Alex gave me a somewhat birth certificate? Anyways it has my “Maternity Registration Number” which is number 084 and I just kind of wanted to know more about that and if there were more documents maybe? I’m not really sure if this website is still active because the last time it was active was 2009 so if you get this it would be nice if you emailed me. Thank You

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Hello, I am Davina Baraka vien oprais you what I ke ki you can find solision of apropot, I am refugee from Congo I came at JRS Arupe learning center, you chrche the peace I apologize beisoin of the education I lost my father and my mother I persone another if it plz i ke your JRS sulfur I pléré tO YOU I beisoin your asustance in my life I love you plz baucoup

I am looking for Michael who woods at the kakuma rfg camp. I don’t have any contacts and wants to find him. Can you ask him to get in tounch with me via the email. I am in Mombasa, Kenya, thanks.

Av read all abt kakuma, it seems to be tough there but then God always has a plan 4 everything n everybody, i know many will not like the environment there but i only those who have a heart n passion of the people living there as i do.. Therefore i would love to work there as an ecde teacher holder of diploma. I love little children to me its a vocation to help an assist this young children who r passing thr’ trauma ad other forms of difficult circumstances. Therefore kindly let me know how to apply 4 ths God given chance. Thanks.

Indeed, i really feel alot 4 these people n the4, i w’d like 2 volunteer as a teacher 2 help the young ones 2 see future in them instead of being pessimistic. i’m a graduate teacher. what is the way forward 2 hav me there?

Hallo my name is kim and im a kenyan currently in kakuma town.Im a young man who likes peace.ive been thinking of forming a group of talented young men and women from the affected nations.The group’s main objective is to form and write songs which will be used to promote peace among the refugees.The songs will be sang in diffrent languages but under the same version.This songs will also be used to promote international relationship worldwide.This songs will also be used to create awareness on HIV/AIDS and other hyginical diseases such as cholera.Im a young man with a vission and seeks the help of the united nations organaisation or any other willing indivindual out there and make this vision into reality.my number is +254729934745.Thank you.

Hi- i’am Congolese by nationality living in kakuma refugee camp with alot of difficulties to survive over life in kakuma; I appreciate the good work done by Kanere journalist’e. I have suffered problems in this camp, how can i tell the ‘truths outs’?

I’d like to say more words about myself but I’d need any help you can.. Anytime anyhow am waiting for your response!


Hello Karaua,
Thank you for reading Kanere and living your comment. We shall be pleased to hear about your grievances as well as any form of contribution to Kanere News in terms of article contributions/opinions – including personal narrations of the scenarios you might have encountered in this camp that makes you saddened! You can always write to us (kakuma.news@gmail.com)

Be well

I thank UNHCR but i have lived in kakuma from 1997 upto 2013. I dnt know what am waiting. I. O. M took me to jomo kenyatta air port and returned me back to kakuma while i was on a flight to USA. I don’t know what has realy happened or went wrong; I was about 15 – 16 years old by then but i can not image what the problem! Please, let me know if there’s a way forward. Thank you..

Thank u guys for creating this free refugee blog. its worthy when we are able to express ourselves with out the frontiers under such politicized camp regime. Thanks Kanere for your critical roles

Hi there, my name is Gemma and I am a student in London. I would love to get in contact with you regarding a piece of work I am doing – do you have an email address? Many thanks.

Dear Gemma McNeil-Walsh,
Thank you for your interest. Our email is at (kakuma.news@gmail.com)
Facebook name ‘Kanere News’ & @KanereNews, Regards

I would want to send a comment on behalf of Kakuma refugee camp youths who are living in a neglected situation but why? Who should care is another question? By writing this comment i feel my message goes out to the international organizations like the UNHCR who should advocate for the rights of refugees but since we are still suffering with no mercy in front of the UNHCR, it will be better to cry out to the international community.

There is no hope for tomorrow but in this sorrowful living for 20 years there are stress, depressions and other modes of suffering caused by those who are entrusted on the protection. However, there’s no happiness duration but you might still find people smiling because everything that happens is in the will and Glory of God. We survived today all the violence’s and corruptions of the way of life for Kakuma camp residents. While the war is still killing, destroying mercilessly in Somalia people MUST be forced go back to where they had fled from. Any yet other people are kept for 23 years inside Kakuma, they became helpless, useless, unproductive..!

I will write on Kanere,if you will read on. Ahmed

Hi every one my name is khadar am living in kakuma abaut 5 years. I would like to help my poor family who are living in somalia, there still in the war zone and darkness for them. I am size one and wish to help my family. If possibe we wish to get a chance of reselment to another country like US, Canada or Australia.

My ration card number is 1753843 and ID no. 434485 and i my mobile no is 0718674039. I am at age 23 and i am living with some relatives in the camp at Kakuma 2 zone 1 block 2.

Thanks Kanere

Can some explain to me briefly the historical background of education in the kakuma refugee camp before it was taken over by LWF in 1998?

I kindly ask of you to get back at me on 0715230013, because its an emergence thing. Mr.Maxiwel grein has been arrested since Last week.his number is 0778357877 and he needs your help.

My name Shaafici Ali, l am Somali origin age 23 yrs old. l live in Galkacio in Somali but i am interesting to to get a job from NGOs that works in refugee camps. l completed my secondary school at Mudud and attained a Diploma in Healthy. Thanks to Kanere organisation for standing in that hardship situations.

Wednesday 18th December marks one year of my life in Europe. My name is Assefa Daba,I got resettled to UK from kakuma refugee camp where i had lived for just twenty years before that chance. Fortunately I’d got a chance in 2012 to go to the UK and compared to the past i had completely changed my life. I was passed through a very hardship life of kakuma;Life was not easy there,I knew it from the beginning.

I would ask my fellow refugees to be patient and everything will to pass on one day and pray to God every time for a change in your lives and the successes will come to all. Don’t get discourage, but be hopeful and trust in God. I pray for kakuma refugee; May God help you. Thanks

am a social worker interested in applying internship at Lutheran World Federation- Kakuma. kindly advice me accordingly on the procedures anf details concerning internship application at LWFT. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks

dear Hurdle,

Thanks for your comments and reading Kanere. Kindly, we would be happy to advice if you could directly try to get in touch with LWF on your internship application. They have both the camp office and the branch office in Nairobi!


Hello friends,I am Bradon Chuchu from Homa Bay – Kenya. I have a friend who is a refugee at the Kakuma Camp and I would like to finance his higher education he is telling me that he completed his high school education and would therefore wish to further his study… how can you help me help this guy… I am in a position to pay for all his tuition and up keep costs while he is persuing his studies. Kindly help me complement your efforts. Thanks Bradon Chuchu

I felt very sorry to my fellow refugees of which some of us have lived in Kakuma a terrible place for many years of their life since they were born in 1991.

Hello. My names are Musa a Darfurian – Sudanese. I am 20yrs old right now in kakuma refugee camp living under the UN care that als support thousands of refugees in this camp. My message is to pass my good will to my fellow Darfurians and the rest of the nationalities across the world.

May God treat our Africa with peace in 2014 and will the new regime be of good governance.

Hello, my name is Mary Varner. I am a home health RN working in the US. I work with a Burundi family who are looking for relatives, friends in Kakuma Camp. The family I work with is Anania Minani and Agnes Sindihebura and their seven children. They are looking for Kabura Petero, Tumain Faustine and family members of them. Could you respond? God Bless you, Mary

Dear Mary,
Thanks for your request to Kanere. We’d like to know if the Burundian family you’re working with are relocated from Kakuma to US? Well, should you provide us with more information about Kabura Petero – we’ll be more than willing to contact with UNHCR about there case? Thanks.

My spouse and I absolutely love your blog and find most
of your post’s to be exactly what I’m looking
for. Does one offer guest writers to write content for
you? I wouldn’t mind creating a post or elaborating on many of the
subjects you write with regards to here. Again, awesome

Hello, have just graduated from Busoga University (Diploma in Education),will you kindly notify me when there is a vacancy?

Hello everyone I’m Butrus Ruai from south sudan, I live in kakuma camp without any help. I am living with my family without any considerations on our case, the food is too little and we’re at risk of starvation. I’m just feeling bad on what to do in life at kakuma, if we’re only feed row maize, sorghum, salts.. If there’s someone who want to help should write to me at (ruaizozo@yahoo.com) and phone no. is +254707055163.
Thank you Kanere for this chance.

Hello there, I am Sun Kim from South Korea. I have to say that I appreciate what you guys do in Kakuma and also your posts(they are very informative).
I was wondering if there is any opportunity that I can visit the camp for a voluntary service.(for a few weeks) I have experiences in fundraising and children’s care for an orphanage in Mozambique. I also have a photographic skills. Held an exhibition sponsored by UNAIDS in Moz.
Please, let me know if it is possible, or who to talk to… any information will be appreciated.

Dear Sun Kim,
Thank you for contacting and finding interest in the work of Kanere – a refugee free press in Kenya. We shall be happy to welcome you as a volunteer to Kanere.
Looking forward to hear from you soon!

Hello,my name is mawien a refugee currently in kakuma. Please i really need help, I can be reached on my email at (mawienwilliam59@gmail.com). I will tell you more.

Hi! My name is Lexi and my family and I were looking into having one or two boys coming to the United States and staying with us for 1 to 3 weeks. (Like you did with Lopez Lomong). We still don’t know the dates and all the details. I am looking forward to your response!

Hi Lexi, Thank you for sending your comments to Kanere. Are you referring to refugee boys whom you/family will be receiving and are they refugee boys from which camp? We thought you can make a clear inquiries from the boys as well..

Hi am Dorothy from makerere university i would like to come for a volunteer opportunity in one of the organizations with in kakuma refugee camp i have a bachelor degree in social development , i have passion for refugees i have experience in counseling, writing research proposals, advocacy, teaching and am so hard working. please let me know if there is an opportunity. i shall appreciate.
thank you-Dorothy

Everything is very open with a precise description of the issues. It was truly informative. Your website is extremely helpful. Thank you for sharing!

I have lived in this camp for many years. I have not got any opportunity to go out of this camp since 1998. I have tried to get permission to get out 6 times. I have different stories of sadness but they refused to here my case. They all pretend to work of the protection and safety for refugees but all end up doing business on refugees.

I want to say that KAnere is helping refugees a lot by telling our stories including to those who are sending money and yet they knew the donations do not reach to the refugees! It can not and will never benefit the need and vulnerable members of our society.

Thank you Kanere

Dear Ahmed,
Thank you for your comments. It’s great to see your interest on the work of KANERE in Kakuma. We would like to encourage you to write a piece on the difficulties you encountered while in this camp, we value personal opinions and short stories. Additionally, We welcome first hand stories told by refugees in their own words as opposed to few other voices edited by humanitarian workers. Our email contact is (kakuma.news@gmail.com)

Kakuma is a business center for many NGOs including the UNHCR. We always call them the big boss. Even their staff are boosting on the refugee street of Kakuma. The refugee staff are also smiling when they get a ride in this cool ventilated vehicles! Kakuma is a very different place. I have read through many stories but largely agrees with the reports from Kanere but not the UNHCR.

I have a family in the land of kakuma and wish them the best!!

Eastleigh community has been affected by continued police arrest and corruptions for almost four months now. I have seen some report by Kanere but we want to see more stories coming from Nairobi about the problems of refugees in Kenya. Good work Kanere.

I crossed the Kenyan border on 24 April 2012.I am a Somali. I have not gotten any solution from the office of UNHCR until to day. Do they work on any order or just some should find he/her means toward the opportunities?

Can i get consideration for any chance to complete my full interview! My ration card No. is 3080168. Thank you.

I read a lot about Kakuma and I wondered whether people there would be interested in a pen pal kind of thing and make friends elsewhere on the planet? If so, is there a possibility to get in touch with someone? Thanks and respect for your great work!

Hello !
I have never heard about Kakuma Refugee Camp, and got to know from my friend in Kenya. I respect people who work there and support the camp and people in need. I wish to find happiness to people in Camp, who had to survive. I strongly believe in day that will change their lives in a better way and wish it to them with full of my heart!
I think the places like Kakuma Refugee Camp have to be told and known, then to get help from people around the World, and then together build the bright and happy future!
Good luck who are there and who goes there.

My names are Mahamud Abdinoor am a humble man who warmly appreatiates the on going process of helping the suffering people of Kakuma refugee camp and i stand to help restrain my fellow human beings
I finished my O level course last year and am willing to be employed there my telephone numbers are 0721519087 and am a resident of Garissa town

despite the challenges in the camp,UNHCR is trying to it’s level best to provide shelter.Am a young generous kenyan who deals in charcoal and food supplies.Am kindly requesting you to render me some supplier’s orders in the camp.

I am a law student trying to get on the ground experience in refugee law and protection. Is there a way to get in touch with lawyers at Kakuma? Are there open positions listed anywhere? Thanks.

I came to Kakuma in1995 when I was 8 years old. I am now 28 years old. Thanks be to God for providing security to refugees through the international community [U.N.H.C.R]. I am currently a student online at Regis University, U.S.A.

we are worried to live in Kakuma refugee camp because of fighting between Sudanese and Congolese -Burundian and Rwandese. which means no security in the camp and no government which can stop this fighting.

Hello,my name is Claud,I am Burundian. We have many problem in Kakuma and we are the Burundian don’t have any chance to be considered for the UNHCR Protection, for example; we have been waiting for three to even five years without going through the Eligibility process? So how can help us? Is this fair process?

Every body says what you observe about kakuma, however kakuma is better than Ethiopia currently due to the deteriorating human right violation!

I am Sito, currently living in Kakuma camp. I am writing to correct most of the people who do repeatedly say that the conflict was between Sudanese and other nationalities in the camp. It was only Nuer that fought Dinka, Burundians, Congolese and Rwandese.

dear Sito,
Thank you for clarify the situation. We hope the peace has resumed between the communities you have mentioned above. It’s our hope that camp residents should live in peace and harmony because conflicts has no value in any society!

Hi, I am So touched by the story told on JKL KTN. I kindly request To know Where i can apply To volunteer To help in your camp. We,re locked out of information about the camp until i founded your website!
God bless

hello am ritah chelungusi a student at kenyatta university in kenya.kakum is older than some of us and the kind of life there is nt easy how is the status of women and children becouse in such situations they are the most affected.how of rhat,of,men as they are considered the providers

I feel touched by the story of this camp. UNHCR, am ready to work with you in this place and make it a better place at the expense of voluntary provided I get subjected to the basic needs. I hold a diploma in health sciences from Kenya Medical Training College. Your response with be of much importance to me.

Hello! I am sure you get questions like this all the time, and I apologize if I am an inconvenience. I am a Christian woman and I feel a calling to do what I can to help. I am no no means rich as I work two jobs and am a single mom. However reading these articles breaks my heart and though it may be small, I would like to do something to improve the lives of a person/ persons in a refugee camp. I understand that certain things can not be shipped However if I could get together packages of clothes/protein bars/shoes/picture books would there be an address I could ship this to so that it would safely be delivered or given to a family in a refugee camp. I understand shipping costs are high. I work for fedex and I could get a discount.

i am a handloom weaver. I make fabrics. I would like to volonteer to teach weaving to the refugees. Kindly requesting any organization or company who can sponsor the refugees learn the skills of making fabrics. Thank you.

I appreciate all of you who respond to this website I wish I could do more. You reading this and all at the Camp as well are every bit as important as anyone in the world, from Obama to Michael Jordan to Kanya West to my wife and I.
Never give up please!

Hi Charles Horowitz,
Thanks for taking some time to read on KANERE & Kakuma – and try to understand the situation of refugees in this camp or beyond.

Kind regards to you and your family.

Editorial staff

I feel touched by the story of this camp, am ready to work with you in any assigned job and make it a better place at the expense of voluntary. I hold a diploma in community development and social work from eldoret polytechnic. Your response will be of much help to me. thank you.

Hi,I am Kenyan,i have completed my course in clinical medicine and surgery, and have specialized in Anaesthesia plus have done Integrated Management of H.I.V with AMREF, am so impressed with what you are doing in your organization, and therefore willing to join you in that race of helping others because its in my potential and ability to serve. kindly am requesting to work with you.
Thank you.
My contact. 0722238886
Regards franklin Mutwiri
RCO Anaesthetist.

Personaly i apreciate the efforts made by UNHCR to assist the vulnerable people more so in KAKUMA. My kind question is i have apply for a teaching vacancy several times to LWF but i have never been notified what could be the problem?

I’ve been trying to find an address for Kakuma Refugee cam in Kenya to send packages of children’s clothing and shoes. I would appreciate if someone post it online or replies to me.
Thank you in advance!

I really appreciate the services KAKUMA renders to humanity. Would like to join this organisation in achieving their mission,goal and vision, having completed my bachelor of science degree in Agriculture and human ecology extension at Egerton university this year.
Thank you.

Hi, my name is Dominic, i am a humanitarian aid worker in kakuma refugees camp. I m a high school teacher in one of the camp schools and i can confirm that life here is tough for the young boys and girls that we teach. Social amenities are a challenge here due to the upserge in population. The challenges still appear to be widening due to shortage of funding attributed by another upserge in conflict in the middle east and western africa. Its a sorry state that calls for tolerance and patience.

My name is Ali. I live in Kakuma 2 and i recently met with two young refugee journalists from Kanere – https://www.kanere.org. I am impressed about the work they are doing on behave of the refugees who don’t have any voice in this camp. I wish this could be a big newspaper that covers everywhere in the world where refugee camps have existed.


Hay am Moffat from Kenya trained in dental services. can i be of any help to the affected with offering my services within myscope of training or any other field. If yes how can I get in touch thankyou

Yesterday I have seen movie on tv about kakuma refuge camp named “a good lie “.
I was very unhappy while watching movie.
After some problem occur to some community and than some NGO , UN , US run after to solve the problem.
But nobody think why this problem occur and who is behind this problem and who is selfish ? If we go to root , than there are no any refuge camp again.

Kakuma Refugee Camp has shaped me to who I am today.Thanks to UNHCR, other agencies,Kenya Government,the host community(The Turkana) and above all to the Almighty.And finally to those who came after me,guys know that life is a journey that you must start with one step and surely you will get there.

My cry to UNHCR Kakuma is the condition of the cell where those who have at times broken the laws of the land are put, surely it is a very dirty place, not well ventilated, imagine people urinating in the same cell and many times it crowdy and yet no body cares, it is a humanitarian crisis there,please act faster to save life of innocent souls.

I appreciate what you are doing at the camp. but have you tried to follow up the situation where refugee cases are intentionally delayed and not entered into the system. We try to collect some data and found some refugees at Kakuma 1 where they have been there since 2011 for almost five years interviewed but their data isn’t entered into the system and UNHCR don’t want to give any explanation!

I am a final year student at Moi university – Annex campus (school of law). We have a 5 month holiday from August. I wish to serve as an intern in Kakuma. Are there any vacancies for legal interns with accounting skills?

My name is purity nzambi registered nurse. I learnt about Kakuma through your website. I am interested in working with you as a nurse. Please if any vacancy notify me. thank you in advance.

Hello,I am wycliff peter,from Kericho-Kenya. I am a trained Bio/Chem teacher. please find me any high school for refugees to teach.

By the name i am Omar Hamadi Muya. I was living in kakuma refugee camp from 2008 after relocated from Dadaab refugee camp in 2007 by UNHCR Protection office, so, l lived in Kakuma from July 2008 until 2013 when i secured a process to go to America and waited until the final day of my process to leave the and to go for the resettlement to United Stated in August 2016. I am currently living in New York state, buffalo and life is so different.. I felt like i was in a prison for all the many years that feels like were wasted. Though i was working as a senior security supervisor kakuma 1 zone 2 block 9 with the UN Security Department i was got paid Ksh 2,500 and i felt exploited because that is my monthly pay while the same office who relay on my field report for work get paid more than between Kesh 100,000 to 200,000 or even more for some high ranked officers. I feeling sharing this information to KANERE? Thank you for your work. Omar from USA!

[…] living in the area. Other problems include: dust storms, outbreaks of cholera and malaria, and an average temperature of 40ﹾ Celsius. Throughout the camp, many refugees experience malnutrition and overcrowding has increased the […]

Hi, Kindly, I am looking for a secondary teaching job. I am a graduate of Mathematics/Economics. Thanks for your work.

I had a good friend, now deceased, who I believe had spent 9 years in this camp. He was a good person with a big heart.
I pray for you all & hope each of your dreams will one day become real. God Bless you

What progress has been made in the camp recently?
Are all resources available for everyone?
Are there toilets & other hygiene facilities?
Is it possible to donate so that the money is only available to the camps residents? LH

I’d like to work at Kakuma refugee camp as an intern, how can I apply. I’m supposed to be on attachment for a period of two months,before resuming campus for my third semester. Anyone who knows how I can be assisted in the application process

Hello, thank you for this resource.

I am an attorney in the United States and am assisting some former camp residents with a legal matter here.

In order to comply with a local regulation here, I need to “mail” by “registered mail” a notice to a refugee in the Kakuma camp. I have not seen much information about this online. Can one simply address international mail to a resident at the camp? I see a few questions about mailing addresses on this post, but no responses.

If anyone knows specifics, my clients and I would be most grateful.

-J. Evans

hey I wish to help those refugee ,am a teacher by profession . ready to volunteer. kiswahili and history

Good day all

Me and my wife are really looking to get involved. If we are to help what are the biggest needs in the kamp? What are the refugees looking for most?


I have a question about this camp
Where would they keep birth records of children born in the refugee camps , or any hospitals nearby that would keep record of births, have birth certificates?! Who could I contact for this information?!!

I am a maths/business teacher can I get a teaching job in the school within the camp? comfortable also with other subjects like physics and,chemistry

I hope that this new year 2018 there will be international support from unhcr to refugees who have been patiently enduring for many years in kakuma. I also hope that unhcr will work on refugees issues to reduce the crisis of refugee camps towards resettlement opportunities to their best as opposed to the process to building shelter or waiting for new comers. The Kakuma situation is frustrating one. I am glad that KANERE is working on to give this perspective out to the outsiders. The other need to know about us, thanks again to KANERE Team for their work.

This place has greatly reinforce me and could wish to work here as a secondary school teacher,I take chemistry and physics.

I’m greatly impressed by this place,,I’m well trained teacher of chemistry and physics and could wish to work here.

Hi All ,am Zechariah Residing In Kakuma 1!Am A Graduate And I Need To Be Connected There To Serve Humanity As An Intern

[…] his brother and sisters, who are displaced and, registered with the UNHCR, currently based in Kenya’s massive Kakuma refugee camp . His siblings meet all the CSP requirements – of being aged between 18 and 50, having […]

Life in kakuma is very hard. Some of things that make it very hard is lack of clean drinking water which is not enough so there is problem of water rationing. I am not sure how much money is coming to the Kakuma camp all the years but it’s always in terms of billions of US Dollars.

ﻋﻠﻴﻨﺎ ﺩﺍﺋﻤﺎً ﺃﻥ ﻧﺸﻜﺮ ﻭﻧﻘﺪﺭ ﻣﻦ ﻗﺪّﻣﻮﺍ ﻟﻨﺎ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺎﻋﺪﺓ ﻭﻣﺪّﻭﺍ ﻟﻨﺎ ﻳﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﻮﻥ ﻋﻨﺪ ﺣﺎﺟﺘﻨﺎ ﻟﻤﻦ ﻳﻘﻒ ﺟﺎﻧﺒﻨﺎ، ﻭﻋﻠﻴﻨﺎ ﺃﻥ ﻧﺒﻮﺡ ﻟﻬﻢ ﺩﻭﻣﺎً ﻋﻦ ﻓﺮﺣﻨﺎ ﺑﻮﺟﻮﺩﻫﻢ ﻭﺗﻘﺪﻳﺮﻧﺎ ﻟﻤﺴﺎﻧﺪﺗﻬﻢ . ﻭﺍﻵﺗﻲ ﺑﻌﻀﺎً ﻣﻤّﺎ ﻗﺪ ﻳﺴﺎﻋﺪ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺘّﻌﺒﻴﺮ ﻋﻦ ﺍﻟﺸّﻜﺮ ﻭﺍﻻﻣﺘﻨﺎﻥ
(This messages comes as a form of appreciation to those that have supported us through donations or in kind on humanitarian assistance, when translated into English).

Please help us in searching for our close relative Degefaw Legesse guangul who joined Kakuma refuge in the year 1991.He was University student in Haramaya/Ethiopia. I am his relative Mulugeta Kebede Guangul.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Hi Mulugeta, thank you for contacting KANERE. You may get in touch with us at (kakuma.news@gmail.com) – we can direct your enquiry to the relevant authority. Best wishes.

Hi Shadrack, thank you for your interest in working with refugees. The medical services are provided by The IRC in Kakuma; please get in touch with or through IRC.ORG. Best wishes.

Am Ezekiel Omweri Ouru,am student Kenya medical training college Nakuru campus taking diploma in nutrition and dietetics Admission number D/NUT/17021/072. Am in my final year God willing December I will obtain my working licence, am touched working in Kakuma refugees camp to again experience,probably next year January I will apply as full trained nutritionist.Thank you may God bless you all.

Thank you for Kakuma reality information,
So am father have 2 boys Hemophilia is the lack of bortin factor 8, that medicine we can’t find in kakuma. I can’t tell our problems within one word. Other problems came this month when the camp attackers shot father of that children with gun.

Dear Mohammed,

Its unfortunate to hear about your sad situation. When did you got attacked by armed robbers? Did you reported to the UNHCR or IRC in Kakuma that you can not afford to buy the medicine you’re looking for?

Hi, May God bless those people who have committed their lives to serve this people, for your voices we are educated everyday and those who are rich donor send our money to UNHCR. Thank very much

For those people who can help refugees thanks and continue with that heart. Thank you Kakuma News Press for being our voice.

Plz I want to go to American because I hope, I can work there and make better life. I don’t need UNHCR for rations but the more i live in Kakuma is the more my life is wasted because they don’t allow us to work and move freely. It’s why I thank newspaper of KANERE for making refugee voice outside the camps. Thank you

My mum brought me to Kakuma when I was one year old in 1992. I been spent over 29 years now I’ve lived in Kakuma…. As Kenya government is planning to close Kakuma refugee. I don’t know anything about my home country. How is Kenya government going to help me?

My name is Alphonse M.kweri and living in Kakuma from 2019. I’m a Congolese by Nationality age 27yrs I lost my family members including my Father, my Sister and two brothers when our Village was attacked by Mai Mai label. My mother and me survived.

We thank UNHCR for keeping us alive upto today but since I reached here in Kakuma, life is struggle everyday. We have been attacked by unknown people for several times where I got some injuries and disabilities and life is not secured. I have reported every thing to UNHCR but nothing have been done to save our life and we always hope.

I also thank KANERE Team for really doing good work and becoming a voice to refugees as Kakuma is not stable, very difficult life and some times very dangerous.

If there would be any help or the Sponsor who have a good heart, please help.

Thanks all


So much to learn, thank you all for your input. I want to enquire for a friend, she did psychology and she wants an opportunity to serve or perhaps work as a professional any advise where she could start and whom to contact! Thanks

Why are they not allowed to walk freely in the country?
Can i get 3 youths to work in my business premises?
Can someone marry from kakuma?

[…] Das Flüchtlingslager Kakuma in Kenia ist eines solcher Lager. Kakuma wurde 1992 gegründet und liegt im Nordwesten Kenias in der Nähe der Grenze zu Uganda, Südsudan und Äthiopien. Laut UNHCR hat die Bevölkerung im Lager im Jahr 2020 fast 160.000 registrierte Geflüchtete erreicht. Die Bewohner*innen stammen aus dem Südsudan, Somalia, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Äthiopien, Burundi, Eritrea, Uganda, Sudan, Ruanda und anderen Ländern. Obwohl Hilfsorganisationen Zugang zu materieller und rechtlicher Unterstützung bereitstellen, ist das Leben der Menschen oft von vielen Schwierigkeiten geprägt. Zusätzlich zu dem abgelegenen Standort und den alltäglichen Herausforderungen in Bezug auf Lebensunterhalt, Sicherheit und Zugang zu Dienstleistungen erschweren die aktuellen Risiken von COVID-19 das Leben der Menschen in Kakuma. […]

[…] Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya is one of such camps. Kakuma was established in 1992 and is located in the north west of Kenya in close proximity to the borders of Uganda, South Sudan, and Ethiopia. According to UNHCR, the population in the camp has reached almost 160,000 registered refugees in 2020. The camp residents originate from South Sudan, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Burundi, Eritrea, Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda and other countries. Although aid organizations provide access to material and legal assistance, refugee lives are often shaped by further difficulties. In addition to Kakuma’s generally remote location and everyday challenges of livelihoods, safety, and access to services, the current risks of COVID-19 further complicate the lives of the people in Kakuma. […]

Hallo Kanere, I have been a refugee since I was born in Ethiopia and then my family moved to kakuma in 2013. I left Kakuma in 2019, and I currently live in Ethiopia and yet as a refugee. So, how can I get a chance to be somewhere else in this world to enjoy my life?

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