By Qaabata Boru KANERE Staff Investigative Journalist – February 2021
One South Sudanese refugee teenager killed and another sustained injuries in a fight over firewood collection in Kakuma.

In the morning of December 7th 2020, Mathiang Mayuang Anei and James Chol Athuai crossed a seasonal river to collect firewood.
While searching for firewood in the brush, Mathiang and James encountered some members of the host community who demanded payment in order to allow the duo to collect firewood. The two offered Kenyan shilling 150 ($1.45), and in return received verbal permission to collect firewood.
Within minutes, another group of six from the host community intercepted Mathiang and James, demanding payment in order for them to continue collecting wood in the area.
Mathiang and James argued that they had already paid money and were granted permission to collect the firewood by the first group, and they had no more money left on them. Then, a harsh argument ensued which resulted in a fight in the scrubland.
It is unclear how long the fight continued, but at the end the two refugees were overcome by the six members of the Turkana community. “They were many. They had knives and sticks,” James told KANERE.
Both Mathiang and James parted ways as they struggled to free themselves from their attackers. James escaped from the fight and made it safely back to the refugee camp side of the river, but his colleague Mathiang was unable to do so.
Immediately, James reported the matter to the families of Mathiang, and to the local community security in their zone which also informed the matter to the Kenya police.
Approximately half an hour later, Mathiang was found unconscious on the ground where the fighting took place and was rushed to Clinic seven in camp four where he received intensive care treatment. However, on the following morning of December 8th, 2020, Mathiang died in intensive care. It was shocking news to the family of Mathiang and to their communities who continue to mourn his loss. James Chol said of the experience, “I was shocked and felt guilty, we ran in directions. I though he will survive.”
While James was also admitted at the same clinic, he was discharged after receiving treatment and medications.
A refugee leader in camp three described the situation as strained, “I heard a gun shot later in the night but no case was reported in the morning. The relationship between refugees and host will remain intense.”
On the morning of December 8th, 2020, the South Sudanese youths from Mathiang and James’ community planned a retaliation attack against the neighboring Turkana community who the members blamed for Mathiang’s death. A group of angry youth crossed a seasonal river called Tarach but as they were about to reach the host community villages, the Kenya police intercepted the group. The police cautioned the youth to exercise their rights through a legal means as the police have begun an investigation into the incident leading to death of a South Sudanese teenager.
“We are asking you to return back to the camp, and let’s follow legal process as we investigate this matter.” Police officer is quoted addressing the Sudanese youth.
Later that evening, the refugee leaders and elders of Kakuma one zone three block three, were met by the Officer Commanding Station – OCS in Kakuma and the Officer in-charge of the camp management. During this meeting, the government officials delivered their messages of condolences to affected families and asked leaders to encourage members towards a peaceful discussion.
A document obtained by KANERE with a serial No. DA 0860734, and hospital IP No. AM004762 reveals that Mathiang is a second born child in a family of seven, and was twenty at the time of his death.
At least one suspect from the host community was arrested by the Kenyan police in connection to the fatal fight.
Further reconciliation and peaceful negotiations have been planned by the office of the Refugee Affairs Secretariate in Kakuma for January 14th, 2020.
Tension remains high between refugees and the host community in a section of the camp which has witnessed many conflicts. Ultimately, these conflicts continue to hinder good relations between then two groups and to strain the refugee integration process.