Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the Month January – February 2014

“I was running, stepping on the bodies of the people lying, some are in their last minutes dying. I don’t know what would happen to them,”

– Chuol Ajak, a Dinka newly arrived southerner, told Kanere at Kakuma 4/ “The Fate of South Sudan”

“This is a good reminder that culture is not really static. While their different songs embody a particular worldview, they seemed united by a common thread; joy was that common thread,”

–  Father Paul Vidal, a Jesuit priest/ “Turkana Wedding Ceremonial”

“We are asking humanitarian support to save the lives of the thousands who are displaced and living in hunger,”

– Turkana County Governor – Josphat Nanok told Kanere/ “Alarming human disaster in Turkana”

“This thing is illegal but we don’t get enough food for children, do we eat stones to live?”

– a woman who wished to remain anonymous stated at Kakuma 1/ “Police raid on illicit brews”

“I was at the scene, the place was very noisy and crowded with drunkard people, and the child was stabbed with a sharp knife and died,”

– A Lotuko woman told Kanere/ “Murder scene at Kakuma 1”

“I was flabbergasted. I never imagined this could happen, I never lit the fire and we didn’t even cook a breakfast that day because there is no food in the house,”

                   – Anger Dowel, a South Sudanese fire victim told Kanere at Kakuma 2/ “Fire Outbreak”    

 “I barely escaped death, in some towns like Bor and Jonglei people are identified by ritual marks and killed,”

– Duop Nhial – a South Sudanese Nuer new arrival – told Kanere/ “The Fate of South Sudan”

 “The child is our pupil who is learning in standard 2 West, the incident happened outside the school compound but we felt strongly sorry about it,”

– A school teacher at Jabel-Marra primary told Kanere/ “Murder scene at Kakuma 1”

“They told us they wanted to be baptized in the Church and become deacons. Since that day, the boys brought many other friends, neighbors, and family members to join the Church,”

– Father Fikremariam, a Monk at the Medhanealem Ethiopian Orthodox church/ “Turkana Wedding Ceremonial”

 “I did not prepare these drinks, it was not mine, I was brought to police station after they beat me,”

                   – The accused, Susan Etati – claimed to have been charged unfairly, she told Kanere/ “Police raid on illicit brews”