By Ebssa Tolossa – KANERE reporter
Students from Kakuma’s newest higher education programme had an opportunity to chat with area professionals, business leaders, and agency representatives.
By Ebssa Tolossa – KANERE reporter
Students from Kakuma’s newest higher education programme had an opportunity to chat with area professionals, business leaders, and agency representatives.
By Gidi Abamegal – Tilting cages, Kakuma refugee camp
In front of my tilting cage,
That little but of plastics,
So not to suffer from loneliness,
I travelled far and wide,
All in my thought.
By Qaabata Boru & Roland Kalamo
On Tuesday, February 20th, 2018: A large movement of refugees – some report several thousand – departed on foot from the Kiziba refugee camp in Western Rwanda. Leaders declared that they were repatriating to the DRC in response to both recent and proposed reductions in aid provision. It may be one of the first examples of voluntary repatriation undertaken as a protest.
During a confrontation with Rwandan military, soldiers fired live bullets with intentions to force refugees back to the camp. At least 11 refugees died according to the report from UNHCR Rwanda, a protestor was wounded when a bullet struck his foot, and several other injuries were alleged during the mayhem.
Dear KANERE readers,
Welcome to this special edition that comes as the first of the year 2018. The Kakuma News Reflector didn’t have any publication over 2017 as a result of staff going for different things that includes: studies, work and traveling abroad.
However, KANERE is back on reporting again. The paper will remain purely a refugee run news service providing balanced and often untold horrible stories of camp life, humanitarian service deliveries and human rights.
As you may know, Kakuma is a highly cosmopolitan camp and life is one of continual dynamics which is fostered by the humanitarian setting of keeping the existing numbers and alternating new arrivals into the camps as sources of aid business. The more the numbers of refugees, the more campaigns would be momentum for more funding to the camps. Also, it’s a problem when there is a reduced number of refugees in the camp as the effect would be little funding which often leads to reduction in staffing, creating of gaps and cartels on refugee operation in-country or at the Africa bureau.
Nonetheless, despite the continuing high numbers of residents, Kakuma and Dadaab have encountered the worst humanitarian times recently as result of famine. Food rations were cut twice in 2017 as an outcome of condensed funding from the UN body after president Trump came to power. Several humanitarian agencies had to decelerate some of their refugee assistance programs in Kenya including RSC Africa – US Refugee Admission Program.
In Kakuma refugee camp, Trump’s negative policies on refugees have led to a perception of reduced freedom, safety and social connection among the refugee families who are torn apart globally.
Over several months Kakuma has experienced insecurity problems that has resulted in looting of homes at night, attacks that have caused injuries including sexual violence often committed by thugs who are armed with guns.
In an article from later April, a political refugee was murdered in the camp by Kenyan armed forces on an unjustified allegation of theft. Eight months down the line the murder of a refugee man remain a misery to relatives and the community.
A story on Kenya’s black market in “Refugee real estate” details its informal system of shelter ownership, and lack of formal legal protection that allow systematic corruption inside the camp among other stories.
We would like to welcome comments, opinions, criticisms and expert contribution to our editorial by writing to us at
Qaabata Boru
Editorial Executive – KANERE
“The police are supposed to solve land conflicts and refer the case for resolution. However, if the police see money in the conflict, they take bribes from both parties. The winner is often the one who paid more,”
– says a refugee with experience in shelter disputes/ “Kenya’s black market in “refugee real estate”
“I counted ten bullets holes in his body, two on the neck,” a close relative of Saladhin told KANERE,”
– a close relative of Saladhin told KANERE/ “Political refugee killed by Kakuma police”
“I am in fear for my life, and I am not sure what to do with my business,”
– Farhan told the KANERE journalist at his shop in November/ “Refugee business entrepreneur facing life threats”
“I was trying to resist and I got one of them down but when the other hit my head with a sharp machete, I fell down,”
– Ali told KANERE/ “Refugee man shot and wounded”
“I heard him crying and asking for mercy for more than ten minutes, then gun rumbles followed,”
– an anonymous witness told KANERE/ “Political refugee killed by Kakuma police”
“As a single mother, i needed more than the food supplied by the UN. So, i came up with this plan of baking and selling biscuits,”
– explains Axlam, a Somali woman living in Kakuma/ “Kenya’s black market in “refugee real estate”
“Land allocation is a big factor but we’re determined to see peaceful co-existence between the refugees and local community,”
– claimed Governor Nanok speaking at a previous World Refugee Day event/ “Refugee business entrepreneur facing life threats”
“We gathered at the scene of murder, we were shocked and nobody can question the police action,”
– a Sudanese local elder addressed the mourning crowd/ “Political refugee killed by Kakuma police”
“I was beaten in the market by local women (Turkanas) for a reason not known to me,”
– Felicia, a business woman in Kalobeyei told KANERE/ “Refugee business entrepreneur facing life threats”
“I was on the ground, then the trio move backwards and one of them fired the gun at me. That was all I could remember,”
– Ali told KANERE in an interview/ “Refugee man shot and wounded”
By KANERE News Desk
Murder of an Ethiopian refugee man remain a misery to relatives and community
By Qaabata Boru –
The Trump administration’s proposed restrictions and ban on immigration have compounded stress and trauma that is experienced by the camp refugees.
By Cory Rodgers
The informal system of shelter ownership that has sprung up in refugee camps in Kenya and elsewhere has allowed entrepreneurial activity to flourish, but it is also unregulated and without formal legal protections, leaving some refugees vulnerable to losing everything.
By Qaabata Boru
A refugee small business owner is facing a life-threatening situation in Kalobeyei refugee settlement
By Okello and Shidad
A refugee man survived gunshots wounds in a night attack in Kakuma