Quotes of the Month

Quotes of the months January to June 2013

“I started living in this camp from 1997 under plastic tents; we don’t want to live for another 16 years again. What is the meaning of permanent shelters in 2013?”

– Aziza Zenawi said in an interview/ “From Tents into Permanent Blocks”


“It’s complicated, the attackers are southerners who are masterminded by David Yau-Yau who is Murle by tribe rebelling against the government of South Sudan,”

– Peter Lam told Kanere outside UNHCR premises/ “Kakuma Camp Continues to Receive New Arrivals”


“I felt the rain was too strong with flooding, since the time I started living in Kakuma, it never rained like that day,”

– said an eye witness who saw the corpse lying swollen in the river/ “At least six died in Kakuma floods”

“All the assistance provisions were insufficient and irregular rations coming at an intervals of three to five months. We lost six members who died due to starvation in the past,”

– Luomeyana Ekomuwa IDPs leader/ “Marginalized IDPs in Kakuma”

“The security officers visit my store and demand bribes on daily basis,”

– Abdulrizack Mohamed told Kanere at 6th Street in Eastleigh, Nairobi/ “Government Crackdown on Refugees”

“Without any word, they got into the bus and warned everyone to produce their identity, no sooner, they started calling us Al-shabaab and ordering the bus driver to take us to the Eldoret Police Station,”

– an anonymous Somali refugee told Kanere/ “Somali Dayah Bus with Passengers on Board Arrested in Eldoret Town”

“My village was attacked in the dead of the night, I was raped; other children were abducted, I managed to escape,”

– a South Sudanese rape victim/ “Kakuma Camp Continues to Receive New Arrivals”

“I know some of the people who killed my brother, I saw people killed with machetes,”

–  an anonymous IDP member/ “Marginalized IDPs in Kakuma”


“I was in a refugee camp for the last 20 years, while about 20% arrived later; in Dadaab, a person can be killed in the market without finding the killers.”

– Fara Ibrahim a refugee leader of transit group/ “From Tents into Permanent Blocks”

“From what I witnessed, I have learnt that more than seven refugees have so far died in floods in Kakuma,”

– A Somali refugee leader at Kakuma1 Zone6 said in an interview/ “At least six died in Kakuma floods”

“I paid Ksh. 3,000 to a police officer for consideration and another officer re-arrested me. Even after a night in the prison, we contribute money to receive receipts of cash bails,” said an Interviewee who requested to remain anonymous/ “Somali Dayah Bus with Passengers on Board Arrested in Eldoret Town”

“I can’t bear the high humidity under the tent, it burning my soul, it’s too bright outside, waiting next step in life,”

– said a Ugandan two weeks old in Kakuma/ “Kakuma Camp Continues to Receive New Arrivals”


A Poem for UNHCR

By Ayellow

We are like microorganisms

in a dry riverbed. The Earth, the wind

and our native countries unite to persecute us.

Our countries dispose of us, the earth broils us

and the wind blows us away, de-graded

and traumatized. We have no allies. We only

have U, beloved UNHCR. Life is wind erosion,

Life is dispersing us like dust.

Lucky citizens of the world, if you have

time to breathe today, or go to the beach,

I beg you to look out for us. We are always there

blowing in the wind or sinking in boats

from across your golden beaches.

Human Rights News Updates

World Refugee Day: Kakuma at a Glance

By Qaabata Boru

Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp has warehoused tens of thousands of refugees for decades.

Humanitarian Services News Updates

From Tents into Permanent Blocks

In the fall of 2012, the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, started constructing permanent houses for refugees in Kakuma 3 settlement section mostly inhabited by new arrivals.

Human Rights News Updates

Government Crackdown on Refugees

Refugees living in the urban centers of Nairobi have faced harsh mistreatment since December 2012, when the Kenyan government passed an order to force refugees into the camps.

Humanitarian Services News Updates

Kakuma Camp Continues to Receive New Arrivals

The UNHCR Sub-Office at Kakuma continues to receive an influx of new arrivals on daily basis since the first quarter of this year.

Humanitarian Services News Updates

New NGO Run-Newsletter Enhances News Access in Kakuma

FilmAid International Kakuma has launched a refugee newsletter under the umbrella of UNHCR

Human Rights News Updates

Somali Dayah Bus with Passengers on Board Arrested in Eldoret Town

More than 45 refugees boarding the Dayah bus express were arrested and arraigned at Eldoret Main Court and charged with the offence of being illegal immigrants.

News Updates

At Least Six Died in Kakuma Floods

The heavy downpour in the months of April – May resulted in at least six people dying and two reported missing  

Human Rights Kakuma Town and Kenya News Updates

Marginalized IDPs in Kakuma

With the greater influx of a predominantly refugee population in Kakuma, the numbers of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) lack attention from their own government.