
I am not a Failure

By Okelo Sejo KANERE contributor, April 2019

With all due respect

Am not a failure

Failure is an event

Not a person in fact

To be precise its a line

Of graduation right below pass

And its not a virtue I sat down in that class

Trying to recollect my body

And give you my medulla oblangata

In order to focus and listen

But thunder answered the noise

You make right into my ear drums

And lightning struck me

You talk to me about my future

Ask me to think of it

And focus on what to do with it

But you are not preparing me for that

Instead you focus on multiple quizzes

And argue me to pass with flying colors

I wonder if these colors have wings

That’s how I lost the focus

You see …. Am trying to stay sharp

And lean on my abilities

Coz I can’t compete with artificial intelligence

No one can do a robotic job

Better than a robot

Even Jack Ma the founder of Alibaba

Attest to that coz he is a human

Very soon we will graduate in numbers

But many straight to line of unemployment

For no one will be hired on papers

But with what they can do

With their knowledge and not straight A’s

Even the 1500 scholars agreed that

Creativity is the most important leadership skill

You barely pass in my class

And with grades like these

What kind of future awaits you

Is what you told me but

If careers in future will be automated

Then you will need my curiosity, innovation and resilience

In order to adapt to the inevitable changes

And mum, if am mad at you

It’s because you never gave me room

Instead you want me to be a medic

Maybe if we share the same table

We can understand each other better

Coz even that delicious pizza

Cannot salivate more than a family

Which we never had one.