By Mahmud, Santos & Qaabata – KANERE Staff Writers, December 2022
An Ethiopian-refugee has died at the scene of a violent robbery in Kalobeyei settlement.
The incident was recorded on the night of August 7 2022, with one person killed by gunshot in a series of shocking armed robberies in Kalobeyei’s Village Two.
June 21 Speeches Compiled by Tolossa Asrat – KANERE Staff Volunteer Writer, 2022
World Refugee Day 2022 ceremony commemorated at Kalobeyei village 2 with the theme of ensuring every person has the right to seek safety whoever they are, wherever they come from and whenever they are forced to flee.
During the commemoration, various guests including Government representatives, UNHCR County representatives, UNHCR partners and other humanitarian organization representatives, goodwill Ambassador Yiech Pur Biel, refugee leaders from Kakuma and the new settlement attended and made speeches at the event in Kalobeyei settlement, Village 2.
Caroline Van Buren of UNHCR Kenya Country Rep speaking during the World Refugee Day, commemorated at Kalobeyei, Turkana – Photography by Tolossa Asrat / KANERE 2022
By Tolossa Asrat – KANERE Staff Volunteer Writer, December 2022
In September 2016, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the New York Declaration of Refugees and Migrants which calls on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to apply the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) in situations of large-scale refugee movements. It aims to meet four objectives: ease pressure on host countries, enhance refugee self-reliance, expand access to resettlement, and foster conditions that enable voluntary repatriation.
Warehousing of refugees – report by Tolossa Asrat / KAENRE 2022
By Tolossa Asrat – KANERE Volunteer Writer, January 2022
Three people, among them, a grandmother and a three-year-old baby, died from scorpion stings and snake bites reported the head of the Scorpion Project in Camp 4 of the Kakuma Refugee camp.
Parabuthus Maximus, the most harmful and feared Scorpion in Kakuma / Photograph by Godfrey of Scorpion Project Center
H.E. Mr Antonio Guterres United Nations Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York City/Geneva
September 2022 Kakuma, Kenya
RE: Support to facilitate durable solutions for refugees in Kenya
Your Excellency,
Please accept our warm congratulations on your second appointment and our best wishes for your success as continue to take on the responsibilities and challenges of your high office for the next five years.
By Tolossa Asrat – KANERE Volunteer Writer, September 2021
The weather in Kakuma Refugee Camp is generally characterized by humid and high temperatures (over 35 degrees Celsius /95 Fahrenheit). January, February, and March are the hottest months, with temperatures reaching 38 degrees Celsius/100.4 Fahrenheit.
Water taps are dry, as residents are asking agencies to intervene. Photography / KANERE Sep, 2021
By Baluu Wol Makuach – KANERE Volunteer Writer, September 2021
Strong calls are being made for the Kakuma Premier League (KPL) Board to suspend Naath Football Club (FC) following an injury to an Okapi FC fan last weekend during their first league loss of the season.
Match-day: All Stars Vs Legend FC – Kakuma Premier league, photography taken at Kakuma 1, zn 3 football field / KANERE August, 2021
By Tolossa Asrat – KANERE Volunteer Writer, September 2021
COMMUNITY TALKING POINTS: Will the camp closure possibly affect you and your family?
No: To be honest, I think I am not the one affected. I feel it is the time to go. There is no benefit of staying at Kakuma Refugee Camp.
– Baluu Wol from South Sudan, Journalist
Yes: I think this is not the right time to send us back where we fled from.
– Solomon Hailu, from Ethiopia, Incentive staff
Conflicts between refugees and locals have been a long-standing issue in Kakuma, but an attack following the government announcement about closing Kenya’s refugee camps seems to have been motivated by the announcement. At least four refugees have sustained non-life-threatening injuries following attacks by members of the host community in Kakuma.
Victims of attacks in Kakuma is related to threats from camp closure notice by Kenya government: Photograph by KANERE