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Flooding Of The River KAWALASE Left Three Refugees Dead

As the refugees traveled to Kenyan down cities three Sudanese refugees were killed by the aggressive kawalase river which is approximately 1km to Lodwar town. On reaching the river, the mini bus driver asked all the passengers to cross on their own as it used to be their normal routine while the buses exchanged the passenger on opposite banks of the river. with the help of the local swimmers many passengers had crossed and paid some fees but these refugees denied to be assisted and made attempt to cross the river until suddenly while they were on the middle the water intensity drastically increased and they were accidentally washed. Only a teenager girl managed towards to the bank of the river and was rescued by local Samaritan while her mother and two of her brothers died. “I was nearly drawn by the river while i was puling her out the water” said a local eyewitness of the accident explaining to the Sudanese zonal leader at Lodwar hospital.

The survivor and the dead corpse were taken to the Lodwar district hospital. These news was known to the Sudanese refugee communities when their leader was called through a phone by an official from the Department of the Refugee Affairs (DRA) for more clarification. On the following day Sudanese refugee leaders were escorted by the Kenya government officials and only two corpses were recovered and one was missing during the first visitations. “We were very much shocked by this tragic accidents. we are greatly assisted by both the UNHCR and the GoK officials to and from Lodwar until we found the body of he last child that was missing.” said the Sudanese zonal leader in an interview with KANERE journalist.

According to the community administration all the dead and the survivor were from the same family, their biological father died long ago in the Sudanese civil war that currently left the remaining children orphan in the camp. Another source of the information revealed that some members of this family were residing in one of the Kenya towns in down country. “Majok has his family in Nakuru including his daughter whose marriage was to be conducted.” said a police officer to zonal leaders in finding out the background of the orphaned children and the family.

This was the second face of the tragic accident caused by this river in this year living similar lives lost. During the rainy seasons the river normally threatens the road travelers, markets goods and supplies as well. It really needs greater intervention from the concerned Government
Departments as the only great high way connecting the region.